[in response to "what a piece of shiat, people like that in this world make me really angry and sad. Especially when you're a teenager around this shiat, and people wonder why there's such a high suuicide rate amoung gay teens."]
ALL gay teens should commit suicide. It keeps the non defective people out of trouble.
While not fundie I think I can speak for gay teens the world over by saying; Burn: be as nothing, disolve back into the particles from whence you came, be dust and ash blowing in the wind, go, and bother us no more.
suicide prevention
u r doing it wrong
fact: Jesus is the only major character in the Bible who never begat anything.
fact: Paintings, well beardless paintings, make Jesus look like a girl.
fact: Jesus is often depicted gazing, lovingly, into the eyes of a man.
fact: Jesus frequently blathered on about how he "loved his disciples". All twelve of them.
fact: It is written that Jesus went amongst the whores and never got laid.
fact: Jesus was obsessed with bread and wine.
fact: Jesus is typically the lead character in Christian musicals. Singing, dancing and vamping it up.
fact: Jesus was a pacifist.
fact: Jesus' alleged father allowed him to be tortured to death.
fact: Jesus wore sandals and dresses.
These facts lead to two conclusions. Jesus was gay and his "fag hating", alleged, father punished him.
This would also explain the anti-homosexual rantings of the Psycho-Christians. I imagine that discovering one's savior is a lisping, sway-hipped, limp-wristed, promiscuous (12 disciples!), sissy would cause some anger. And, since these wackos believe they will go to Hell for renouncing Mary's Nancy-boy they feel compelled to worship what they most despise. No wonder they're all nuts.
My first accepted submission...I...I'm so proud *teary eyes*
Anywho, yes. DIAF, septic_mouth.
'Non-defective people?' What is this, the Cold War?
You are a heartless waste of oxygen. Go drown in quicksand.
Hmm. How 'bout I don't, just to piss you off?
I'm not killing myself!! HAHAHAHAHAHA! Fuck you!! How do you like it?! ooooooh, doesn't it just piss you off that I'm gay and still alive? I bet it does. Go cry.
We're waiting.
Gonna kill yourself?
ALL homophobic, unbeliever and reality hating theists should drink the Koolaid (commit suicide). It keeps the non defective people from exposure of religotards.
There fixed it for you.
septic_mouth, Fark.com [Comments (27)] [2008-Jul-19]
Just had a thought, its relative. Their deity can be considered loving because its follows are such hateful bastards.
I love that the comment is aimed at "gay teens", so therefore, adults and kids are fine so long as they pretend to be with a girl between the ages of 13 and 19.
Note: Does this include lesbians, cause they're pretty hot.
I wish this person would realise the damage they are doing and SHUT THE FUCK UP.
I've got a present for you,it's a nice full-expense paid trip to hell,population those that judge, yet do not wish to be judged!
Yes, yes, FOADIAF, ESAD, etc., etc.
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