Without the opposite you cease to exist!
Absolutely untrue. there is nothing about the universe to suggest in any way that everything must exist in dichatomy with it's opposite.
Atheist would not exist without God!
Wrong again. Atheism is a response to theism, the belief that there is a "god" of some manner, a belief that is not shared by atheists. The existence of theism is in no way evidence, let alone proof, of the existence of any "god".
No Darkness without Light.?
Darkness can and does exist in the absence of light because THAT IS WHAT DARKNESS IS! Fuck, get a damnned education before you go running off at the mouth on subjects you haven't the slightest idea about. People ike you have changed Y! Answers into a fucking 24-7 amateur hour.
Atheists. It's plural you idiot. It's people like you that make me worry that Idiocracy is acurate prophecy rather than bad comedy.
you only get your power from there actually Being a God.
What in the fuck are you talking about? Not believing in something is a negative position. If you don't believe in Santa Claus does that mean that therefore Santa Claus must exist for to not believe in? If such backwards and idiotic ideas as yours were fact rather than the fiction of a deluded mind then literally everything that no one believed in would have to exist.
In Order to resist, there must be something pushing
Non belief is not resisting anything, it's simply lack of belief in a concept or claim, not a positive assertion. Are that uneducated that you can't understand that?
Without God....? you would be pushing on a rope instead of pulling on it. It's worthless to push on a rope!
Is this poorly phrased metaphor going anywhere? Or are you just rambling until they make you take your meds again?
So Atheist!!!
Atheists. It's plural, PLURAL, FUCKING PLURAL DAMN IT!!!! What in the name of fuck make's you thing you can tackle existetial metaphysical concepts when you can't even get a handle on basic fucking sentence structure?
Thank God As Your Opponent, For He Gives Your Cause Substinance.
You poor sad deluded fucking imbecile. Atheist are not in opposition to yours, or anybody else's "god". It's rather hard to oppose something that you don't even believe exists in the first place.