That is another reason I reject atheist dishonesty. God can't lie. Atheist accusations are NOT truth based. God wrote exactly why He was required to punish and destroy wicked mankind. The Flood. Who teaches atheists to lie about the Flood?
Atheists in their global dishonesty accuse God of murder. Don't lie about God. Lying about God does run off rational people from atheism.
My Bible contains not a single reference to a theist killing a person. Ironic that atheists have started threads lying about what is in my Bible.
Required? Wow. Omnipotence isn't as potent as it used to be.
Also, Moses totally killed a guy and hid it. Cain killed Abel and talked with god directly, making him a theist. David had a dude killed, full Chicago-style Mr. Big stuff. Don't you lie to me.
He was required to...
My Bible contains not a single reference to a theist killing a person.
Neither does mine. Then again, mine contains no pages at all.
Nouveau's rationalization for the for the comment, "My Bible contains not a single reference to a theist killing a person," is, "The word "theist" is not in my Bible. Don't try to waste my time and argue against truth."
Fuck CARM! they deleted half my posts to this guy, claiming that the posts contained 'bickering, personal comments'. They did not. Whenever one presses a Christian too hard, whenever a poster gets too close to the truth that Christianity is bullshit, some admin at CARM makes up a phony reason for deleting comments or banning posters. So much for Christian honesty.
Matt Slick is a douchebag, exploiting morons for cash.
All we know (absolutely ALL we know) about the Christian "god" is what it says in the bible. We don't "accuse" god of any thing. We simply take the whole damn book as fiction, but when you cherry-pick one statement, we are entitled to come up with a counter-argument from the same source. That's fair enough, isn't it? We don't have to make up any falsehoods about your god. It's all there in the book.
"My Bible contains not a single reference to a theist killing a person." What do you have, the Little Golden Book version?
Edit to add:
"That is another reason I reject atheist dishonesty. God can't lie." That isn't an argument. That isn't a reason. That is a CONCLUSION, and for some inexplicable reason, you've started with the conclusion. That's probably just as well, because you have no evidence to show that.
God is omnipotent, and thus he isn't "required" to do anything. He can always find another way to do it that doesn't involve killing boatloads of people.
Also, no theist kills anybody in the Bible?! Have you heard of Absolon, just to mention one of the most notable offenders?
"God can't lie."
Abraham & Isaac: God LIED.
Hosea 13:16: God committed Murder and Abortion.
...shall I continue with Adultery (Joseph & Mary) and Paedophilia (Mary), or have I annihilated your argument enough? Don't make me get out my Josh Buggar*!
*- That sounds lewd , doesn't it?! But then, that's nothing compared to what fundie Christains are capable of.
"God can't lie"
Then he is not omnipotent.
Not to mention the Bible/Torah contain records of him lying.
"My Bible contains not a single reference to a theist killing a person."
Then I imagine your Bible contains a lot of blank pages.
My Bible contains not a single reference to a theist killing a person.
Yeah. All those Canaanites were merely tickled! Deborah threw pies at the enemy. Jael baked Sisera a cake!
Well! It's now confirmed! FRUMS DON'T READ THEIR SCRIPTURES!
Explains a lot about the Barabbans....A bunch of hateful selfish warmongering jerks who claim to worship a proto-hippie who stressed love, compassion and charity.
The Bible is full of theists killing because God told them to. You clearly haven't read the Bible.
And no, the flood was God's punishment. And that's not even the hole I see. The hole I see is this:
A) God is omnipotent, omniscient, powerful and merciful.
B) God doesn't see Eve coming?
C) God doesn't see the circumstances that lead to the flood coming?
D) God tries to start new, but fails with the flood. He also promises never to do it again, then in revelations, promises to do it again.
These are not the actions of an omniscient being. And drowning animals because he couldn't find another way to display both his power and 'clean' the world is not the action of an all powerful being. And certainly having his worshippers kill anyone who doesn't dare praise him are not the actions of a merciful being. This is the problem. He's either weak, or he's deceitful, having known all that stuff but wanted to do it anyway for the lulz.
Lying about God does run off rational people from atheism.
You should find out what atheism actually is as opposed to what you think it is. And what rational thought is too.
My Bible contains not a single reference to a theist killing a person.
You wrote your own version of the Bible? Because the one(s) everybody else uses say otherwise.
Oh, he doesn't need to read it. He's been assured that everything in it is true and perfect. Why waste his time? Time that could be better spent pwning atheists online, talking about what a fine, upstanding christian he is, or fixating on gay but secks and how wrong it is.
Also, it's a wild guess, but I'm gonna say reading isn't really his forte. Probably just puts him right to sleep.
Mock The Week
- The characters in this book are entirely fictitious!
- Noah noticed the ark was sinking. He *hated* woodpeckers!
- Moses arrived with the 10 Commandments: "I got some bad news for Dave the ox lover!"
- They finally saw the sign God had promised: "You are now leaving Swindon"
- "Eve! Eve! Eve! Use fig leaves! Not nettles!!"
"My Bible contains not a single reference to a theist killing a person."
So you only have some children's Bible where nobody dies? Back then, practically EVERYONE, on all sides, was a theist, and there are many, many instances of humans dieing from another human's (i.e. a theist's) hand - on every scale from execution and murder to war and massacre. Often in the name of YHWH.
I mean, why did Jesus require resurrection in your Bible?
@ Malingspann
I so read this in the voices of Hugh Dennis and Frankie Boyle lol.
more lines you would not hear in the bible
And Sampson said Lord, why have you given me all the strength in my hair??
because you're worth it
And Jesus came across a poor man in the courtyard and said...
Have you been caught in an accident that wasn't your fault?
And it rained for 40 days and 40 nights, which was odd as the met office predicted a BBQ summer.
About the author, this is his first book, he has one son, and is a little bit touchy about gays.
So, Cain and Abel, he flood, Moses, David, the assault in Jericoh......are you sure?
Technically, this is true. The Bible doesn't prohibit killing, only murder, which is defined as "unlawful killing". So since Yahweh makes the laws, he decides whether a killing is permitted or not, meaning he can never be a murderer. Morality, then, is objectively relative.
So God doesn't lie, murder or tell his followers to kill others?
You might actually want to pick up a Bible.
I reject atheist dishonesty. ... My Bible contains not a single reference to a theist killing a person.
You may reject atheist dishonesty, but theist dishonesty is apparently acceptable.
"My Bible contains not a single reference to a theist killing a person"
Did you ever read Joshua? That entire chapter is him and some soldiers killing several people.
Then Moses and Golden Calfe
Then orders to kill those of us who worship a different god or gods
Then orders to slaughter an entire village if there is one unbeliever.
"My Bible contains not a single reference to a theist killing a person."
Hosea 13:16. Your 'God's chosen people - and thus belie vers - murdering the innocent unborn .
Frankly, your 'Pro-life ' cause's right to exist is the least of your problems.
Intellectual Dishonesty has already obliterated your entire doctrine-based mindset & workdview: your right to think the way you do.
God ordered murder. He also committed it in that 'Flood': all those innocent unborn murdered when their mothers were drowned.
The prosecution rests.
...or you can admit that that your 'Word of God' is a lie from start to finish; after all: you cannot spell 'Belie f' without it. Therefore your 'God' doesn't exist. Also, your 'God' lying to Abraham, re. Isaac. No Atheist would tell someone to murder a member of their own family, then at the point the fatal blow is struck, stop them & say 'j/k, lol k?'
Thus we Atheists are completely honest. Oh, and enjoy your paradox.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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