Gervás 152 #conspiracy

Gervás 152: You're a great great man David! You're right with what you wrote ... red twice the Greenland Theory. I, and many people focus for your safety. You deserve the biggest recognition?

Response: You've read that twice? How did you get past the Jews are elves of Santa part and not have a rethink? Or the part about the Loch Ness monster being a submarine? Or Doggerland being blown up by gunpowder to prevent the discovery of Greenland? Or Romans interbreeding with giants??

Gervás 152: Of course I had my
own questions not answered, but the whole was logic to me. To me it
is not because one or another (insignificant sometimes) detail is
doubtful, the entire history falls. It can happen sometimes, but here
there is too much logic. The Santa colours and the boots are indeed
intersting, and I wrote Taylor that the BIS, Banc of International
Settlements is also bootshaped, wich he didn’t mention in the book.
The jews as his elves making «gifts» for the good obedient guys,
yes, quiet a good substitute.
About The Loch Ness
monster I didn’t have an opinion because there are a lot of
theories, but who knows? With Doggerland I couldn’t find reason why
therefore Greenland would be more difficult to get to, indeed the
contrary when land stands in the way, but ... Doggerland sounds to me
similar to Diggerland.
Abraham’s real
name is actually Abu Ram and means father of Rome. To Abraham it was
promised that his people will become numerous like stars. This part
is a link too that the Bilbe is nothing than the history of the roman
people ... Minos and his bloodline of 13. And the giant tales are
much more numerous than I thought before (about 14 times? I don’t
remember). There are by all means a lot of giant bones around. The
old testament was anyway only released in the 17 th. while the «new»
testament already in the 14 th. appeared. The tales and sites in the
OT are nothing than medieval phantom eventss brought to an
illusionary past.
My questions for
example were more: Egypt = greco-Roman? And Australia on the south

That our entire
ancient high crops are greco roman I found in the meantime that it is
absolutely correct. And Minos could even have lived 200 or 300 years
closer to us. The answers, amongst others, I found in Anatoly
Fomenko’s New Chronolgy. Or the youtube channel newearth’s
survivors serie.

To Australia: I
could basically imagine that the earth is a kind of a oblated
sphere/disc as Taylor says, simply because the flat earth theory
seems partially a Jesuit Psy Op (Matthew Boylan for example tells
that he went to a Jesuit school); and another hint that it may be so
is that I don’t see a logic that the point of the pointed
continents, South America and Africa look outwards while the big
continentsmasses Asia and Canada/Alaska are clustered; the other side
around seems more logic to me, points towards a center while our
nordic polar circle could be the equator.

But what I don’t
understand: why sun and moon don’t pass on Australia like it looks
on our north pole and anyway on the northpole we would therefore
observe another behaviour??



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