Of course ID (unlike the tooth fairy and for that mater evolution) is supported by many credible scientists. Looking at the many holes in evolution, it’s easy to see why so many scientists (including Darwin himself) are abandoning the theory of evolution.
Rovian, AdrienVeidt, one the numerous reasons I oppose evolution and the atheist movement is that it’s causing our society to spiral into a pit of degradation and self-destruction. Religious or not, you have to acknowledge the importance of Christianity in this country and that it keeps it together as it has done for hundreds of years.
I’m just supporting logic and open-mindedness over the pseudoscience and bigotry of the left.
"Of course ID is supported by many credible scientists."
I notice you failed to provide a list of them.
"I'm just supporting logic and open-mindedness over the pseudoscience and bigotry of the left."
Great, my irony meter just left a suicide note.
"Looking at the many holes in evolution, it’s easy to see why so many scientists (including Darwin himself) are abandoning the theory of evolution."
evolution btw can easily be followed with bacterial cultures, and can be traced with the human species, as it can with other species as well. in fact, darwin never abadoed his theory, and ID is just for people who are hiding behind religion instead of lookig for some real answers.
"Religious or not, you have to acknowledge the importance of Christianity in this country and that it keeps it together as it has done for hundreds of years."
suuuurrreee, just like the puritans formed this country. One word, "SALEM."
and previous to that we can always look at the crusades, the inquisition, and all the european monarchies....
"Looking at the many holes in evolution,"
Ah the god of the gaps argument again... well done beating the dead horse.
"I’m just supporting logic and open-mindedness over the pseudoscience and bigotry of the left."
Yes because denouncing the well founded idea in favor of one that points to a supernatural cause is logical, open-minded, and not pseudoscience....
Looking at the many holes in evolution, it’s easy to see why so many scientists (including Darwin himself) are abandoning the theory of evolution.
I find it rather hard to believe that a man who's been dead for this long is currently changing his views on any subject whatsoever.
I oppose evolution and the atheist movement is that it’s causing our society to spiral into a pit of degradation and self-destruction
Is it? Check your stats- you're in for a surprise.
Religious or not, you have to acknowledge the importance of Christianity in this country and that it keeps it together as it has done for hundreds of years
On the contrary, I see Christianity tearing this country apart because of a vocal Christian minority actively opposed to freedom itself.
These gomers keep proclaiming that evolution is being abandoned. The fact that no one is abandoning it must be frustrating.
Oh, and no, Darwin isn't abandoning the theory of evolution. At this point he's feeling far to peaked to make the effort .
Yup, Darwin's busy right now abandoning the theory of evolution. Right there, in his grave, he's abandoning it. See? SEE?
Intelligent Design:
Or, if you want to get in depth:
Everything in the world is too diverse to have happened by chance. Ergo, Goddidit.
Isn't the idea of evolution generally accepted by all scientists? And the only thing that's even remotely debatable is whether humans evolved from monkeys or not? We have to keep making new antibiotics because the strains of bacteria keep EVOLVING.
Also, what's all this about the "atheist movement"?? As far as I know, we simply want to keep the fundies from shoving THEIR agenda down our throats.
Oh, I didn't realize Darwin was on the fence about all of this. That kind of throws the whole notion on it's ear, doesn't it? Hopefully he'll come to a conclusion quickly and let us know so we can end this whole debacle.
"...it’s easy to see why so many scientists (including Darwin himself) are abandoning the theory of evolution..."
I was wondering why he's been so quiet on the subject lately. Thank you, Alien Syndrome.
For the last time fuckwits, Darwin did not "abandon the theory of evolution" that was a lie spread by his xtian friends and family.
Now fuck off and conjure up some more "evidence" (i.e. pull it out of your asshole)
Of course ID (unlike the tooth fairy and for that mater evolution) is supported by many credible scientists.
ID isn't supported by anyone. It's a negative theory: an argument from personal incredulity. It basically says "Undirected evolution seems too improbable for me to believe, so a designer must have been involved". They then spend great amounts of time trying to justify the "too improbable" part of the argument. The "designer" part of the argument they ignore, because they know they can't prove that part of it.
Besides, ID, even if true, wouldn't disprove evolution. It only addresses undirected evolution. It still allows theistic evolution, which is acceptable to most Christians outside the fundie fringe and which most scientists would admit lies outside the realm of science to disprove.
"Of course ID (unlike the tooth fairy and for that mater evolution) is supported by many credible scientists."
Wrong. It's supported by a handful of non-credible pseudoscientists. Hovind, for instance.
"Looking at the many holes in evolution, it’s easy to see why so many scientists (including Darwin himself) are abandoning the theory of evolution."
You're lying. That "Darwin recanted" myth was debunked long ago.
"Rovian, AdrienVeidt, one the numerous reasons I oppose evolution and the atheist movement is that it’s causing our society to spiral into a pit of degradation and self-destruction."
"Religious or not, you have to acknowledge the importance of Christianity in this country and that it keeps it together as it has done for hundreds of years."
I'm afraid it's not Christianity that has held this country together, but rather our legal system (and a select few strong leaders in times of crisis).
"I’m just supporting logic and open-mindedness over the pseudoscience and bigotry of the left."
Lies again.
Evolution, religion, science and one's level of bigotry have nothing to do with politics.
I'd like to know where you get the idea that the 'left' is made up entirely of bigots, by the way. It's a common accusation hurled by certain political fanatics, usually just before they start screaming about banning gay marriage.
Mixed metaphor. You don't spiral into a pit, you spiral into the earth and topple into a pit.
Christianity(TM) can be credited with keeping sheep out of nightclubs. Christianity(TM) can also be credited with various pathetic attempts to rewrite history.
"Logic and open-mindedness"...[nods]...I see....
Lies, appeals to authority, appeals to the consequent, and mind-blowing irony, all packed quite neatly into one little post... *sigh*
Will Alien Syndrome enlighten us as to how ID deals with the real holes and controversies within evolution? I would love to hear his views on the relative importance of sympatric vs. allopatric speciation.
Of course evolution (unlike ID and for that matt er the tooth fairy) is supported by many credible scientists.
@phillywilly: not his friends and family, it was a British evangelist named Elizabeth Hope who fabricated this story. According to Darwin's daughter Henrietta, the woman probably never even met Darwin, nevermind being present when he died.
I’m just supporting logic and open-mindedness over the pseudoscience and bigotry of the left."
"Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by rulers as useful."
--Lucius Annaeus Seneca.
...and by your support of "logic and openmindedness over the pseudoscience and bigotry of the left" you mean that we're the ones showing blind faith in a totally unproven (nay, unprovable) idea, and that you're quantitativly proving the word of God to be true, and acknowledging and rigorously testing provable counter-theories...
I am sorry, does not compute...
/divide by cucumber error, please reinstall universe/
Inept defense of religious fraud, ignorance of subject, lie, inane and incorrect comment, historically untrue, fundie dogma mis-represented as science, right-wing pot-calling-the-kettle-black. Congratulations dumbfuck, not a single thing of value, true fact, or idea even worth debating in your bullshit propaganda post. Right-wing, led-by-the-nose toadie!
"you have to acknowledge the importance of Christianity in this country and that it keeps it together as it has done for hundreds of years"
if Christianity is supposed to be keeping the country together, it's certainly failing. it's pulling us apart. the only thing keeping the country together is greed.
Yes, it's true. Darwin is abandoning the theory of evolution from beyond the grave.
Hey, if their saviour can become a zombie why can't ours?
Alien syndrome, Dr Dino is not a reputable scientist. Only 4% of the scientific community supports ID and, just for the record, even those crackpots can tell you that a scientific theory doesn't bother with morality. It explains reality the way it is, not the way it should be.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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