That is a bunch of BS. There is absolutely no proof for any of it.... if there was one shread of validity to it this current congress would have impeached him. If there was proof someone from Move on (right out of the country) .org would have found it. There were weapons of Mass destruction there... just google it and read the reports of FOX news that reported on it. The problem is that by the time they were found no one cared because the liberal biased media had so soaked this country with the myth that there were none and that Bush lied. Liberals backed by Mr.Sorus (or however you spell the idots name) through have been throwing Mud at Bush constantly.... thing is when you fling enough it starts to wear him down and stick a little and the public begins to believe a lie that is said over and over. The lie has been the slander against a great president. Stop following and listening to people who would rather we be like Canada or Cuba, those are the Anti-american liberals who are full of it. They lie like Clinton (and there was proof there, hence the impeachment proceedings, yet no proof for Bush, hence no charges brought ever!)
LOL wow another brainwashed sheep. You are right about one thing. There were weapons of mass destruction there. We gave them to Saddam to go to war with Iran in the 80's. Thats a fact. Period. Bush is a War Criminal. A Murderer. And a puppet conspirator for the global elite. Do some research and find out how much money the Military Industrial Complex made off these wars. Or how the global central banks have funded both sides of World War 1 and 2 to make astounding astronomical profits. But I'm starting to ramble, so here's my point... GEORGE W BUSH IS A TERRORIST. EXECUTE BUSH. SAVE AMERICA.
PS... I'm a Republican. So don't scream "bleeding heart liberal" at me.
PPS Ron Paul 08. Abolish the Federal Reserve. GET OUT of the middle east.
hey asshole get with the program OK .we all ready been over this .
CIA’s final report: No WMD found in Iraq
Recommends freeing detainees held for weapons knowledge
The United States is taking steps to determine how it received erroneous intelligence that deposed Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein was developing and stockpiling nuclear, chemical and biological weapons, White House spokesman Scott McClellan said Wednesday.
Iraq Banner
Report: No WMD stockpiles in Iraq
WASHINGTON (CNN) -- Saddam Hussein did not possess stockpiles of illicit weapons at the time of the U.S. invasion in March 2003 and had not begun any program to produce them, a CIA report concludes.
This argument is closed . KNow what your stupid uninformed moron like you need to do.. I save you time and tell you. You need to pull your big fat stupid Bushbot head out your tight fundie ass and wipe the stupid looka and shit off your face open your eyes and get with the fucking program OK fundie ..
Before more innocent people get killed .
There are many reasons not to impeach a president that do not imply that the president has not broken the law.
FOX News is not an unbiased, realiable source.
George W. Bush is NOT a great president.
Bill Clinton had sex with a consenting adult and lied about it. George W. Bush lied to get us into an illegal war. They are not comparable. Now your I.Q. and that of a fence post...
"if there was one shread of validity to it this current congress would have impeached him."
*cough* H.R. 333 *cough*
There were weapons of Mass destruction there... just google it and read the reports of FOX news
Scott should Google it himself. Fox simply reported a statement by right wing Bush supporter Rick Santorum claiming they found some old pre-1991 mustard gas components. We continue to hear Bush supporters claim various things like " they were there, but according to some mysterious Syrian informants, they spirited them out before we could catch them" and "we found factories that could have made chemical weapons".
Clinton was impeached by a Republican Congress for lying about cheating on his wife, which nobody gives a shit about except rabid partisans. That's a far cry from lying to start a war and killing 3,000+ American soldiers.
Well, if FAUX News said so, it must be true.
"Ok, guys, we're gonna come by next week and inspect. Sure hope you don't have any WMDs!"
Right. Not surprised we couldn't find them. Of course they had them. We (and others) have sold them weapons for years to fight each other.
Doesn't mean that since then they haven't become more hostile towards us.
There were no weapons whatsoever. The only clue they have is that Reagan HAD SOLD THEM TO SADDAM. In fact, Faux news just repeated it again with old images(they never considered that they may have used them or were deteriorated and, consequently, destroyed)
The CIA and UN say you're a spectacular failure, Scott.
And there's nothing wrong with Canada, either. I mean, free public health care, a stronger currency, less pollution, generally keen on civil rights... pretty much everything that Bush is against, really.
(Also, to the rabid political advocate, Ron Paul is one of those "the Founders wanted a Christian nation" types, and he claims that everyone on "the [collectivist] Left hates religion." Oh, and he lies about abortion. No thanks.)
To the person calling itself WTF?:
Talk about not saying something constructive. You're not even saying something that can be considered halfway intelligent (which is probably why you used an anonymous name). Until you actually know what Ron Paul stands for, STFU.
Ron Paul = "We don't need the FDA. Once a few hundred children die from taking that medicine, people will just stop buying it."
Let's see, your sources are Bush and his war-profiteer buddies and GOPFOXNEWS. I'm supposed to believe you based on a self-serving liar, his money-grubbing draft-dodging buddies, and his propaganda machine. Not very bright, are you Scott? Can I sell you some beachfront property overlooking the Atlantic and the Pacific in downtown Omaha that GOPFOXNEWS advertises as a great deal(afterall you seem to buy everything any GOP toadie sells you)?
Listen bub, if ol' Georgy Porgy had been tried for half the things he committed while in office aside from being insufferably incompetent, he'd've been out lickety split. I really wish that we could see justice, but I'm sure we never will. I still can't imagine how America voted for him again...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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