Okaaay, time for a line-by-line rundown...
" 'They want to establish a Republic based and guided on Biblical principles. That is called a theocracy.' No that's not a theocracy." A theocracy is where religious leaders and laws rule a government. Establishing a republic based on biblical principles will be treading dangerously close and would probably end up as being impossible to distinguish if someone like you is running it.
"All people are religious, including atheists." No. You obviously don't understand what the term 'atheist' means, and you have demonstrated yourself as being unable to comprehend another mindset from your own. It's only going to go downhill from here.
"And all people have ethical systems that are based on their religion whatever that may be." First of all, you have just accused all atheists as being immoral, (which they are not,) and made such a huge, blanketing assumption of the complex moral human mind that it's staggering. The claim that absolutely everyone, of a population nearing seven billion, got their morals from religion- as opposed to society, family, culture, education, or even personal reflection, is blatantly ignorant and, in my case, bile-inducing. What of religions that don't have a set moral code? What about ethics and philosophies that need no deities? ..Ugh.
"And all people base their ideas of what government should and shouldn't to on their ethics." Again, another absolutist statement. I would argue a person get their idea based on what they want a government to do for the people it serves, but I'm getting nitpicky.
"It's only a theocracy when they seek to legislate religion itself." Or instate religious leaders. Or religious law. ..And you're trying to do the latter.
"Being pro-life is not theocratic." In of itself and on its own, no. However, there is no real non-religious demographic that claims to be 'pro-life', so you can bet that most of those who are for it are religious themselves.
"Neither is being for freedom of speech and freedom of religion. Though all of those ideas are ones that Christians hold on the basis of biblical principles." First, not all Christians are 'pro-life'. Second, and it's going to take some effort not to scream this at the top of my lungs.. Where on earth does it say God believes in freedom of religion and/or speech in the Bible?! Where?! Go ahead and show me, I'll wait! You'll never find it- God was a possessive, jealous, egomaniacal twit who would rather smite a nation than allow them the freedom to worship other gods!
" 'That platform states the government should discriminate against gays.' How does it say that government should discriminate against gays?" Christianity, especially fundamental and pentecostal Christianity, has anything but a good track record with civil rights. Come to think of it, the same applies with the Bible. If you intend to instate laws based on literal interpretations of the Bible, those rights will go down the drain quick. Don't even bother trying to sugar-coat that.