... Your law was not based on the Bible. Nothing could be further from the truth. In fact, you want to discuss law theory? Ok. Let's go.
The U.S. constitution was drafted with heavy influence and support from the French, with idealism of freedom of speech, mankind and thought except for all the blackies. French law, in itself, was based off of the philosophers at the time who supported the french revolution, and was in part a reactionary movement to the Reign of Darkness where people were pretty much decapitated as a national sport. Those philosophers were inspired by the renaissance ideals of seeking knowledge, which was in turn inspired by the Arab Spring, where the knowledge of things considered to be heretical by the Catholic Church were preserved and great mathematical and scientific achievements were... well, achieved. The arab spring, of course, grabbed a lot of stuff from the Romans and then added its own middle-eastern flavor. The romans were based off of the greeks, and the greeks pretty much convened with the persians to iron out all the kinks to their systems of government, whereas the persians were influenced quite a lot not only by the Assyrians and their library of knowledge, but also by Zoroastrianism and their concept of "Ahura Mazda," or greater, cleaner knowledge and truth. The Assyrians were pretty much the bookkeepers of their time, pillaging the city-states of Babylon, Akkadia and Sumer, and adding their knowledge to their own (Hammurabi code, anyone?).
This is, of course, just a very brief summary of all the steps it took for your constitution to be made, and I didn't even mention the chinese and koreans, which will probably make a few people cuss me out (and with good reason, but I have limited time). Did the Bible's commandments have some impact on lawmaking? Probably, in free Israel, but even under roman rule, they were living under Roman law, and even when Rome became christian (and then subsequently fell), they did not follow biblical law, as that would pretty much cause a whole new civil war.
So no. You're wrong. Now do like Jesus did: Turn the other cheek. Arsehole.