[In response to why God never heals amputees] no matter who we are, or what we are missing God still loves us, and he is not materialistic like our modern society (hence we want the limbs, they are materials that are obviously not a necessity to live so it is not required to have them in order to praise God) so he does not have to give them these.
No, materials that aren't needed to live would be that shiny new iPod you've been eying for a while. While you can live without them, legs and arms are still pretty important. It's easy for you to say they aren't when you've still got two legs to stand on.
stoat100 beat me to it.
My whole life all I've heard (from the fundie perspective) is "gold paved streets, golden crowns, mansions and recently, gem studded mansions." I'll add diamond doorknobs for the hell(pun intended) of it. I believe all that reeks of materialism.
"no matter who we are, or what we are missing God still loves us,"
Yeah, yeah, yeah. That's not the question. Who are you really? Sarah Palin?
"and he is not materialistic like our modern society (hence we want the limbs, they are materials that are obviously not a necessity to live so it is not required to have them in order to praise God) so he does not have to give them these."
It says in the Bible that if believers pray for something God will provide that something. It doesn't say God will provide it unless it is a missing limb.
ehm .... sure.
Hope that you lose a limb so that you can see how wonderful it si to praise god with dishabilities ;D
... but not really, I do hope you have a reality check....
@Brain_In_A_Jar: Acording to the gnostics, and most of the mithologies that sound less retarded and more beautiful, the world was never meant to be.
Acording to fucktards fundamentalists and literalists, because "God works in misterious ways"... seriously, their culture of ignorance is creepy...
Limbs! Gimme, gimme, gimme, I gotta have liiiimbs :picture in head of guy with arms full of arms or legs:!
Oh, and hooray for the point flying high over yet another dumbfuck fundie's head.
Yes, Leviticus 21 gives a long list of things that make you persona non grata
21:18 For whatsoever man he be that hath a blemish, he shall not approach: a blind man, or a lame, or he that hath a flat nose, or any thing superfluous,
21:19 Or a man that is brokenfooted, or brokenhanded,
21:20 Or crookbackt, or a dwarf, or that hath a blemish in his eye, or be scurvy, or scabbed, or hath his stones broken;
21:21 No man that hath a blemish of the seed of Aaron the priest shall come nigh to offer the offerings of the LORD made by fire: he hath a blemish; he shall not come nigh to offer the bread of his God.
Oh what's that, little Timmy? You want your leg back? Well, I'm afraid you can't have it back, Timmy. You see, God thinks that you're a selfish little shit. What is it with you? "Boo-hoo, my leg's gone, I want it back!" You selfish little fuck! You should be ashamed of yourself! You make me sick!
I see.
So when a Faith Healing appears to cure blindness or leprosy or cancer, it's because God made the person better.
But when Faith Healing completely fails to cure a missing limb, it's because the victim was too materialistic.
How convenient.
That's a unique concept. Wanting a liver or other body part, is materialistic. Congratulations, Travis, you have distinguished yourself from the other morons.
I cant help but think of an entire society of armless, legless people..since we dont need them to live..praising god all of the time.
It would be funny if this guy was serious.
By the same logic God presumably doesn't care if we are reduced to brains in jars...so why aren't we in the first place? Since all He apparently cares about is being buttered up.
I take it _you_ wouldn't mind being just a brain in a jar since you don't need anything else to praise God?
Further down the same logic, why doesn't God heal people who are massively brain-damaged, since they can't praise him?
A related question would by why, if God "intelligently designed" humans, he didn't include the ability to regenerate missing or damaged parts. What, it's good enough for lizards and earthworms, but not people?
Limbs are not necessary to live?
You do realize that if nobody had arms or legs, we'd all die off, right? Amputees generally need special accommodations (like having levers in the car instead of gas and brake pedals), and some of them cannot live independently.
Now, if you'd said that it is an opportunity to show your compassion for others by helping amputees when they need it, then I'd buy it. But this doesn't work.
(hence we want the limbs, they are materials that are obviously not a necessity to live so it is not required to have them in order to praise God)
Okie dokie then. Let me liberate you from your materialistic desires. *Sharpens the bone saw*
Oh, and when you can't make a living because you need to have two hands or, I dunno, WALK, you better not be using the commie socialist welfare system...and don't forget God's mercy when the collection plate comes 'round!
Man, it's a good thing I finished eating my sushi, or I would have had shoyu shooting out of my nose. Limbs are materialistic, HA. That's a good one.
So, your god loves me *so* much, that he *wants* me to have brain damage...? Ow. Doublethink hurts.
@Mayhem -- Awesome pic. I stole it.
“ no matter who we are, or what we are missing God still loves us,”
Logically, God also loved the lepers that Jesus healed. And lazarus. Why didn’t Jesus just go about telling the lame, sic,k and halt that God still loved them? I mean, if that’s a reason not to heal an injury o rloss….
“and he is not materialistic like our modern society”
You… You think materialism is why i want my amputated limb restored?
Do you ever English? The word has meaning.
"(hence we want the limbs, they are materials that are obviously not a necessity to live so it is not required to have them in order to praise God)”
I saw a news article where a woman with no arms drove up to a fast-food drive through, paid for her order with her feet, but they wuold not allow her to pick up her food with her feet. Arms ARE necessary to live if you’re surrounded by assholes.
“ so he does not have to give them these.”
He eoesn’t HAVE to heal ANYONE, but what would his reason be to heal only nwo and then? Not everyone?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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