Andy C. #fundie

Evangelism in RV parks

We have a fifth wheel RV that we often take long trips in. The people at most RV parks are very friendly. I've always had a hard time engaging conversation with strangers, or to even approach them. In 2013, we spent 4 months on the road, and I felt God was asking me to step out of my comfort zone, and talk to folks around me. This worked well through most of our trip, and even my wife was shocked to see me talking with our different neighbors at the numerous parks we spent the night at. For our trip this year, I have been inspired by reading the thread from Acts 5:41 free bible handouts, and will take it a step further. I plan on bringing lots of Bibles with me and handing them out, and hopefully engaging some folks in Christian conversation. I will try my best to let go of my efforts to engage in this, and let the Holy Spirit lead me.

I'm asking for any advice, or how I should prepare for this journey. I have not felt in the past that I had the gift to evangelize, but over the last year I have felt the Holy Spirit calling me to step farther out of my comfort zone, and plant or water some seeds.



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