I remember a cartoon I saw way back in the 70s. The first picture shows this little girl. She's thinking to herself, "So why won't people elect women for president of the country?" The second pic shows this woman sitting in the presidential chair, reading a Top Secret document with great relish. The third pic shows the same woman hastily reaching for the phone with equal relish. The last picture shows the little girl and she's going "Oh."
I wouldn't confess to a woman priest/pastor, even if the entire Vatican ordered me to.
Is distind male or female? This site sounds like it could be a great counterexample.
And Wikileaks, of course. Lots of men slipping secrets there.
The Walker family* demonstrates that even men have a hard time keeping secrets.
*The Walker family sold Navy top secret information to the Soviet Union for 18 years, from 1967 to 1885.
The current head of the Senate Intelligence Committee is a woman (Diane Feinstein), as are two other members (one is even a Republican). The main ones blabbing state secrets are Assange, Snowdon and Manning - all men.
"I don't even get what the comic's punchline is. What's so wrong about a president using a phone?"
The joke is that all women are insatiable gossips, so a female president would share all of our state secrets with allies/enemies/whoever.
I don't find it to be a very funny joke.
Clicked on the thread and found this little gem from Timberwolf (who has appeared here several times) right before the quoted post:
"God wrote the entire Bible through the hands of men...and NOTHING is in the Word of God without His absolute approval."
So did god forget how to count when he "wrote" insects have four legs, or was he just lying about it?
I guess that's why the NSA spied on Angela Merkel.
Must toast your muffins, eh? The thought that she 's Chancellor of the most powerful country in Europe.
[/Revelation] >:D
Most people seem to have trouble keeping their mouths shut. Not just with secrets and gossip about others either, but stuff that they shouldn't be so eager to reveal about themselves. Just look at Facebook. How many people get their emails hacked, and their dox plastered all around the web because they just can't resist being attention whores on there. Burglars have been known to use FB to find potential targets too.
While I don't know this is true, there's a story that during WW1 a British girl guide/scout troop from London was routinely given tasks like delivering top secret messages on paper between various govt agencies (presumably the war department and the intelligence agencies) and later even verbal messages...boy scout troops weren't used because govt considered the boys too much of a blabbermouth and therefore not to be trusted with these topsecret messages! Heh.
It´s a Mafalda cartoon. Lighten up a bit, now I remember why I stopped coming here and only read the site every 4 months or so.
It´s just a bunch of people desperate for a way to feel superior to anyone, just anyone.
Religious fundies were mocked to almost exhaustion, so now you´re going to people who disagrees with feminism or whatever gender politics you want.
The amount of feminist fundies posted is minimal taking into account the amount of crazy and hate internet feminists spew (kudos to the one who posted femitheist a while ago), while the new sport seems to be posting anti-feminist quotes.
I´m glad I went away from here.
"The amount of feminist fundies posted is minimal taking into account the amount of crazy and hate internet feminists spew..."
Actually the crazy misogynists seem to vastly outnumber the radical feminists. Seems to me the amount of quotes from both groups are what they should be. Kind of like white supremacists versus black supremacists. But if you're butthurt over feminism no one's forcing you to stay here.
Maggie Thatcher (*spit *) banned the book "Spycatcher" in the UK; the 'Cambridge Four': Burgess, Philby, Maclean & Blunt'. The book not only revealed the name of the Fifth Man, but the info contained in the tome propved to be such an embarrassment for her government. Said 'Fifth Man' was Cairncross.
...oh yeah, that's right. Despite the ban she imposed, there was a legal loophole: people could go to, say, France - an EU country - and buy dozens of copies (bookshops hired couriers to go there, buy in bulk for resale in the UK; demand was such, that people were prepared to pay well above the odds to learn what Thatcher (*spit *) didn't want people to know), and as long as they kept the receipt(s), there was absolutely nothing that HM Customs could do about it. >:D
Why men should not be president
Scenario 1
- Male president reads state secrets
- Male president meets a hot woman at a official party
- Male president starts talking to hot woman with a bragging smile...
Scenario #2
- Male president is accused of having a small penis
- Male president reaches for the Red Button...
(I think you can guess who inspired this scenario)
"So why won't people elect women for president of the country?"
Oh, I dunno, but considering how this man wants Vlad Putain to hack his country's telecommunications system...:
...you tell me.
Oh, wait...!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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