Wisdom teeth are a throw back from the giants that used to exist in Biblical times
You've got one verse of dubious origin and you act as if it were an irrefutable fact. If that's proof that there were giants then surely all the legends of the greek titans and gods must be overwhelming proof of their existence and a reliable catalogue of their lives and deeds.
These giants also had double row teeth.
And we know this to be true because of the hundreds, if not thousands of giant skeletons that all exhibit this feature, right? If you want to make this claim then certainly you must have a skeleton you can point to as an example?
And is why some are still born with double row teeth.
It has been my experience that most babies are not born with any teeth at all and the ones that are tend to be both exceedingly rare and in just a single row. Some preteens have exhibited double rowed teeth, but that is always the case of the permenant teeth coming in behind the baby teeth rather than displacing them.
Giants had bigger jaw bones, which means they held more teeth.
No, they would have had bigger teeth
We have smaller jaw bones which means these extra teeth have to come in as wisdom teeth.
Considering there is usually only one wisdom tooth in each quadrant then for this to be a trait picked up from "giants" in our ancestry then they must have been very small "giants".
Also, this would explain why wisdom teeth come in, in later years. For even the giants jaw, as children, was not big enough yet to take them.
If this were the case then what I've already said still applies, they must have been very small giants.
So coming in the later years (teen to adult years) was encoded into the DNA instead of coming in when all the other teeth did.
So I take it that you have mapped the genome of the human/angel hybrid giants? Why have you not shared your discovery with the rest of the world?
Which would have caused problems for children and many would have died from infections of the abscessed wisdom teeth in times when medical help was not available.
Humanity has known how to pull teeth for quite sometime. Most deaths of that nature are not due to infections resulting from impacted wisdon teeth but are far more likely the result of abcesses and infections from rotten teeth found in adults rather than children.