Someone please riddle me this. Why do Pro-Choice people want to kill a baby, but they are generally against the death penalty, and want to allow killers and rapists to live. This really does not make sense to me.
I'm generally pro-death, and mostly qualify as liberal. So nya.
If a person isn't ready or doesn't want a kid, abort it. If a person proves they can't handle living in society without killing or harming others, abort it.
Why do pro-life people support death penalty, war, and even rape if it's the women's fault, which it always seems to be?
Pro-Choice persons do not want to kill "babies." We want women to have the option of a safe, medical abortion.
Why do Fundie Xians care so much for blastocysts and embryos, but they don't seem to care much for actual people?
I have no desire to kill a "fetus" (it's not a baby yet). In fact, if a girlfriend of mine got pregnant and she wanted an abortion I would tell her that if she decided not to go through with it (I would gently try to lean her in that direction) I would be there for them completely or if she did not want to care for the child at all I would tell her that I would take care of it myself and in the future she would always have the option (without pressure) to walk into the child's life as little or as much as she wanted. But, ultimately I would tell her that it's her decision and no matter what she decides I am there for her.
Even though it would be sad for me, a fetus is not a thinking Human being who is self aware. That is why I am fine with people making that decision, but I am against people making the decision to kill grown Humans who are very much aware (the idea of taking an eye for an eye doesn't make it excusable for a third party to also become a killer). Especially given how often innocent people die that way. To me the life of one innocent person out of infinity is more valuable than your "need" for revenge. One of the reasons for that is that I can imagine myself in that person's position very easily and I can imagine thinking the things that would go through their mind. I cannot, however, do the same with a fetus as they are not the same. Oh and btw, your same argument can be used as to why people are against "killing" a fetus but have no problem going hunting or fishing. I've heard many of them bascially say that their emotion and their pain is worthless where as the unaware fetus is important because it is Human - That kind of thinking makes me sick.
Well, death penalty is DEATH. So, it´s pro-life in a way. And let people live, no matter how nasty they are because THEY HAVE RIGHTS TOO..........well, which life are you pro, if I may ask?, or are you a troll?
"Pro-choice people" do NOT want to kill babies. They generally want baby-killers to be locked up for life. Some even support the death penalty (although many oppose it and it's now only carried out in poor, backwards countries and the USA) for baby killers.
Abortion prevents the creation of a baby- much the same as, say, not having sex.
Why do unmarried Christians like to kill unborn babies? All those dead sperm and eggs are potential life, no?
You sick Christian baby-killers.
How do you sleep at night?
Your god will surely punish you for this!
In the first place, it's not a baby; it's a blastocyst or an embryo, nowhere near developed enough to be considered a "baby" by ANY meaningful definition.
In the second place, "pro-CHOICE" means exactly that. There's a reason it is not called "pro-abortion"; pro-choicers want women to have the OPTION of safe, legal abortion procedures, but that doesn't mean they want every pregnancy aborted! Use a little sense here.
And as for the death penalty, it is applied to people -- NOT blastocysts or embryos, but FULLY DEVELOPED PEOPLE, so there are those who see this as far more abhorrent than the removal of a clump of cells that has no independent life.
Personally, I am pro-choice, and I am also pro-death penalty, so I guess that makes me more consistent in your eyes, but as far as I'm concerned the issues are 100% unrelated. But since you have raised the point, why is it that so many so-called "pro-life" advocates (who apparently only insist that every pregnancy result in a birth, regardless of any lack of support for its life thereafter) also are such strong champions of war and the death penalty?
~David D.G.
Embyros and fetuses are not human beings. Killers and rapists are, unfortunately. Besides, rotting in prison for life is worse than a quick and painless death, wouldn't you agree?
Analyse the word CHOICE, to begin with. It means election. So, to be pro-choice means to be in favour of letting women choose whether they want or not to have an abortion. Let´s go to the second part. In which sense is the death penalty an election?, either you live in a country with death penalty or not, no human being can "decide" to kill somebody. I mean, every state in the world forbids the person to take justice in their hands. It would be simple explanation but I can go on.
It's not as if Pro-Choicers don't force abortions. We don't even WANT women to get abortions. We do, however, want women to have the option of a safe, legal abortion if need be. We think a woman should have the choice to legally choose to abort, or not, as she sees fit (or necessary).
Tell me this: why do so many Pro-Lifers drool over the idea of a woman and the embryo dying during a botched abortion?
Methinks the Pro-Life camp is about controlling women, not preserving life.
Riddle me that. Why is it that the louder one screams about being Pro-Life, the faster they want to kill anyone else they disagree with?
Pro-Choice means a woman should not have to carry a child to term if she feels she cannot handle it, be it physically or emotionally. Not that we support Abortion doctors to go sneaking into bedrooms and sucking out fetuses. Lord...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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