In response to another member, who wrote: "We are not the only social animals but we are the only ones with religion. The others get along fine."
What in hell are babbling about. Animals, dim wit, rape and kill other animals without conscience. Some species eat their young. The idea other species are better than human beings is one of the dumbest comments I've ever read.
But, humans that reject God and HIS MORALITY are disaster. You're worldview is a disaster that has helped create that disaster,
I'm sick of you reaping the benefits of a nation rooted in Christianity while bashing Christianity. You only have the quality of life you do BECAUSE OF CHRISTIANITY.
Your rights are guaranteed BECAUSE OUR FOUNDERS were Christian and believed those rights were endowed by the Creator. That needs to sink through your thick skull
Quit once again while you're behind. It is what you do best.
Rejecting God retards the mind
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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