I believe their is enought evidence out there to support the belief that dinosaurs were walking the earth 2,000 years ago.
2,ooo years ago? So could you please tell me why the fuck there is no mention of dinosaurs in the historical record? How is it that these giant creatures just went unnoticed and unrecorded in any of numerous texts written in that time including the new fucking testament?
And I can say that, because ancient art shows us such dinosaurs
First off "ancient" art is far, far older than two thousand years. you creationists won't be satisfied until you have managed to move creation all they way up to last week, will you?
Second, there is nothing represented in "ancient art" that can be positively identified as a dinosaur, nor is it possible to tale if that art was influenced by seeing a living, breathing dinosaur or just influenced by uncovered bones.
Finally, you cannot make a positive determinization about history based only on your interpritation of a peice of artwork. That isn't evidence, that's an assertion of opinion.
Yet it is todays science, that ignores this evidence
Your opinion of cave paintings isn't evidence. If this "ancient art" of yours is proof positive that dinosaurs walked the earth as recently as 2,000 years ago then please explain why dinosaur bones are found almost exclusively as fossils, the result of a mineralization process that takes far, far longer than your 2,000 years or even creationists 10,000 years. If dinosaurs lived that recently then why are there no bones that are in the same condition as the bones of humans and animals from that exact same time period?
You base your premise on your interpritation of a single peice of what you (wrongly) consider as "evidence", and you accuse science of of willful ignorance because it doesn't wholly accept your uninformed and unqualified assertion of "fact" and ignore the literal tons of evidence that says your uninformed opinions and assertions are just plain incorrect. Just because you say something is a certain way doesn't mean that it is, especially when the only thing you have to back it up is nothing more than an opinion, and an unqualified one at that.