In Soviet Florida, creation destroys you.
...what, Hurricane Irma isn't destroying Judge John E. Jones III: whose decision a year before your quoted 'Prediction' destroyed Cre(a)ti(o)nism: certainly it's right to exist in the US's schools, colleges etc?
The 'Creator' of that Destroyer must either want his believers to doubt his existence, or it's just purely a result of chance that said Destroyer has come into being: just as organic lifeforms are here purely via gradual biological processes.
The evidence of Climate Change is swiftly approaching, and pretty soon all cre(a)ti(o)nists will have to eat infinite humble pie.
The areas hit by Irma will essentially be uninhabitable for months. I suggest moving to a certain part of Ukraine; it's hurricane/tornado free, as is the land there: essentially free.
Because Chernobyl being uninhabitable for 150,000 years shouldn't stop you, amirite?!
Incidentally, click on the quote link. That alone says it all. But wait: there's more, as Billy Mays would say. Click on the link to a previous thread in EvC in AdminJar's reply.
The amount of backpedalling by Liesyoumakeus as he sinks slowly in a certain river in Egypt - as he's passed very quickly by Sir Jesus Wiggins & Chris Froome on water forwards - only serves to emphasise his absolute FAIL in this quote.
Especially with the twists & turns in his Synchronised Swimming in said river in Egypt he performs as he tries to dismiss the fact that the link he based his 'argument' on - from Landover Baptist - isn't purely the product of Parody. [/Quote Mining]
But that's not even half of it. Oh no.
The supplier of said link - 'John Williams' - at least admitted that it was fake: and from a parody site: and before Lieshemakeshimself jumps on such, thinking it isn't fake.
Therefore "Macross" is a documentary, amirite? It must be. It features the 50-80 feet high Zentraedi after all. [/Doug Piranha-levels of sarcasm]
Doing further digging, clicking on his screename, on his profile the most recent post was in 2010.
'Smatter: didn't want to be called out on your 'Prediction' Liaryoumadeoutofyourself...?! [/Harold Camping]