Santa Claus, also known as Saint Claus, or Saint Nicholas, the famous mythical character loved by multitudes across the world, is a demonic caricature of our Lord JESUS CHRIST.
The godly qualities of joy (jolly) wealth (bearer of gifts), omnipresence (everywhere on the same night), eternal life (ageless), travel in the Spirit (magical flight), punisher of the wicked (withholds gifts), and rewarder of good (giver of gifts), are combined with the ungodly qualities of Antichrist and World Unity, in this pitiful, comic substitute for the CHRIST of the Bible. Adults as well as children are force-fed this demonic lie (usually from birth), which exposes them to violence, magic, fantasy, war games, dancing reindeer and mystical cartoons, while the Son of God, His truth and His righteousness, are denied and blasphemed by the world.
It's Stan & Liz again. Missed you both for a while.
By their fruits shall ye know them. These two are utterly off the wall. Santan Clause does good, brings joy etc etc. You would be like the Puritans in 17th centure England and abolish Christmas altogether in case someone might just enjoy themselves. Well, feel free not ot celebrate for yourselves. Just butt out of the lives of the rest of us. We don't much care for you joyless, miseryguts way.
Oy. They should really do some history checks.
From Wikipedia:
"Sinterklaas is the basis for the North American figure of Santa Claus. It is often alleged that during the American War of Independence, that the inhabitants of New York City, a former Dutch colonial town (New Amsterdam) which had been swapped by the Dutch for other territories, reinvented their Sinterklaas tradition, as Saint Nicholas to be a symbol of the city's non-English past."
"[...]Saint Nicholas, patron saint of, among other things, children."
And that is evil? x_x
"Telling your children about Santa makes you a liar," their website says. Well, who knew?
"If you observe the birth of Jesus every December 25th, Jesus is never older than one year old to you," it goes on. Does that mean that if I celebrate my birthday every year, I remain one year old?
These people are beyond insane.
SANTA... SATAN... right.
Yeeeees, especially since "SANTA CLAUS" is only called that way in english speaking countries... in other places, the name "Father Christmas", "Grandpa Christmas"(Mos Craciun, Romanian) or "Christmas Man"(Weihnachstmann, german) are used.
Saint Nicholas is a different Holiday in those countries, namely on December 6th.
Maybe there is a Saint Claus somewhere on the Catholic list of saints, but I have never heard of the name referring to the fictional Santa Claus.
Off the wall, for sure.
I love the juxtaposition of "war games, dancing reindeer, and mystical cartoons," heh.
"Excitement and expectation fill the air as the "big day" approaches. People run to and fro, gift lists grow, parties are planned, homes are decorated, egg nog, reefers and other stimulants flow freely, ..."
These people are apeshit insane. Now people habitually offer "reefers" (X that's a word from the ark!) along with egg nog to grandma!!
But it is true that Xmas is of pagan origins, and uses pagan symbology. However, the strictly protestant (and straitlaced fun-quencher) Prince Albert of Saxe-Coberg introduced it to Victoria as a family tradition, so fuck of and die, and leave our traditions alone
Sinterklaas just phoned in from Madrid, Spain.
He wanted to let you know that it will be a little bag of salt for you instead of presents this coming december 5th.
And you're coming of pretty lightly, as Sinterklaas might just as easily have had you carried of in a bag by Black Pete (Zwarte Piet) to Spain, or have had Piet give you a jolly good spanking (what else do you think taht switch (roe) Piet carries around is for).
I'm always impressed by the sheer volume of words in these nutty websites. How do they find the time? Why? What do they expect to gain, except forgiveness, which I presume they've already got because they're saved?
And then I scrolled down to the bottom, and discovered that it's a front for flogging skin-care and make-up products.
And I ask myself: why am I not surprised?
punisher of the wicked (withholds gifts), and rewarder of good (giver of gifts)
Did you just preach works-righteousness? Repent, heretic!
If he's a saint then according to your (hopelessly inaccurate) bible he's the good guy.
Actually based on King Wencenlas (A Czech King) who always made sure his poorest subjects survived the harsh winters.
He's not mentioned in your bible as the Romans stopped the Jews writing it 2000 years back, only to bring it back 400 years later, savagely editted.
You people are insane. World Unity is ungodly? See, shit like that is why people hate your religion.
And what on Earth does Santa Claus have to do with "violence" and "war games"? I'm not seeing it.
Actually, Santa is a kind of God-lite, suitable for pre-indoctrination of children. Belief in Santa prepares them to believe in the magic and impossible God of Christianity. It also teaches them the hypocrisy required for religion.
Santa is a lot of fun, but let's not try to deceive our children into believing he is real.
Well, given that Christianity contains violence (eye for an eye and all that), magic (driving demons from the body), fantasy (Revelations), war games (all that stuff with the Israelites sacking enemy temples) and mystical cartoons (stained glass windows, the roof of the Sistine Chapel, etc.), the only thing Santa adds to the mix is dancing reindeer.
By a process of elimination, we can therefore prove that dancing reindeer are the greatest evil in the world.
My god your a fucking moron. Santa Claus as we know him now, was based after the catholic monk St. Nicholas, who gave gifts to needy children. Some parents tell their children if their bad Santa will give them a lump of coal.God will burn people in hell of all eternity for doing something wrong, Santa Clause will give them a peice of charcoal.
And you call Santa evil.
Adults as well as children are force-fed this demonic lie (usually from birth), which exposes them to violence,
Exodus 22:17, Leviticus 20:27, Deuteronomy 17:12, Deuteronomy 22:20-21
John 6:19
Revelation 17:3, Job 41:1-34
war games...
Jeremiah 50:21-22
Considering that Santa has all the "godly" qualities of joy and none of the godly qualities of hate, vengeance, genocide, infanticide, etc, I think that Santa is the better choice of the two.
"punisher of the wicked (withholds gifts), and rewarder of good (giver of gifts)"
That's a better concept of what you usualy preach about God: according to you he is punisher of the ones who don't beleive in Jesus and rewarder of those who only live to kiss up to him.
Obsessed much? Not everything is evil, most things are rather harmless. Like Santa Claus, for example. What ungodly qualitites of AntiChrist does he have, by the way? You pretty much summed up Santa in comparing him to Jesus. And what's wrong with World Unity?
Not everyone "believes" in Santa, half the world (at least) don't. In many spanish-related countries it's Baby Jesus who comes with presents, on the 6th of January.
What's so violent and war-ish about a jolly fat guy wishing everyone a Merry Christmas?
You can do two things at the same time, you know; lots of people have a scenery with Mary and Joseph and Baby Jesus and the donkey and cows and sheeps and the Three Wise Men, right next to the Christmas Tree and Santa. Is that denying and blaspheming?
My parents were very careful to NOT make us believe in Santa. We all knew that it was daddy who had dressed up with a green coat and a beard made of cotton wool. No force-feeding, whatsoever.
saint nicholas was a real person. He was a guy in germany, who delivered presents to many poor families, so the children could be happy. I don't know if that information is for sure, by boyfriend who is catholic told me, but he was, from my understanding a real person, and a good person.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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