Larsguy47 #fundie
(It is quite refreshing to see a Christian who is willing to admit that they believe in a God who plays favorites. As an added bonus, you were also willing to come right out and say that you believe in "might makes right".
Do you ever feel bad for choosing to worship an evil creature like this?)
You know what? You are SOOO perceptive! Because in the end, the psychological and legal battle between Satan and God does boil down to those fundamentals, interestingly. Those who like this God accord him respect, honor, goodness and find him deserving of love and worship. But that's not everybody. Those not seeing those qualities in God understand him through the legal and policing issues. That is, that God has a legal right to have the universe the way he wants to, because he created it in the first place. AND, if someone doesn't like it, he has the ability to enforce those rules with absolute power. Naysayers can't come in and ruin the pic-nic.
So yes, for those who understand little else, in the very end, the Might-makes-right high card always wins, especially when played with the My-way-or-Highway card.
From God's point of view, the clay doesn't dictate to the molder. Excuse me?!!! Not this week!
So if "might makes right" is what you need for your "reality check"?; then it's definitely there for you. Absolutely.