I beleive in God. How do I know I am right? Let's look at this
Is there any PROOF right that the Lunar Landings took place? No. Are there non-believers? Yes.
Are the non-beleivers of the lunar landings idiots? Yes. How do we know? IT ACTUALLY TOOK PLACE.
If I wanted, I could actually go and touch a moon rock, and if I ask nicely enough, and have a reasonable enough proposal, I could probably get one for analysis. Then, there's the fact that we left a reflector up there that can be verified. Your evidence?
There are thousands of people still alive who took part in the Apollo program including the guys who actually went. They left stuff there, they brought stuff back. All of this can be checked.
Who can you talk to, right now, who went to visit your god? What items can you bring me from an afterlife? What can you make disappear into that ether?
You fail at reality.
Is this guy saying that there is no evidence that the lunar landing took place?
"Is there any PROOF right that the Lunar Landings took place? No. Are there non-believers? Yes."
Are there non-believers that the lunar landing did NOT take place? Sheesh, couldn't this guy be a little simpler in his points?
"Is there any PROOF right that the Lunar Landings took place? No."
Moon rocks. Now shut the fuck up.
"Are there non-believers? Yes."
A.K.A. Conspiracy nuts.
"Are the non-beleivers of the lunar landings idiots? Yes."
You bet.
"How do we know? IT ACTUALLY TOOK PLACE."
This seems contradictory to your first claim. Not to mention it has nothing to do with why you think you're right to believe your invisible friend in the sky exists.
This has to be one of the strangest posts I've seen yet...
[Is there any PROOF right that the Lunar Landings took place? No.]
[How do we know? IT ACTUALLY TOOK PLACE.]
But you just said that we don't have any proof...
1. We do have proof of the moon landing
2. You don't have proof of god
3. Even if we didn't have proof of the moon landing, it still wouldn't mean god exists. If I don't punch you in the face and there's no proof that I punched you in the face, I still didn't punch you in the face. Not having proof doesn't mean something did happen. That's just fucking stupid.
"Is there any PROOF right that the Lunar Landings took place?"
Is there any evidence of a god?
Is n00b_pwner an idiot?
How do we know?
We have his words for PROOF.
I believe in Santa. How do I know I am right? Let's look at this.
Is there any PROOF that the Earth is round? No. Are there non-believers? Yes.
Are the non-believers of the round Earth idiots? Yes. How do we know? IT REALLY IS.
So as you can see, because the Earth exists, so does Santa Claus.
Is there any PROOF right that the Lunar Landings took place? No.
Did you know that we have photographs of the lunar landing sites? And that the astronauts left mirrors on the moon and that we can send lasers at these mirrors and measure the time for the laser's return?
Or are you just a moron?
Yes there is proof. Yes there are non believers. They are idiots because there is proof. Why is there proof? Because it actually took place.
Can the same be said about a god, any god?
"Is there any PROOF right that the Lunar Landings took place"
Yes, we have the videos, the photos, and a small bag of moon rocks.
And some pennies from one of those weird penny-squishing machines.
Interesting argument.
You are saying:
There is no proof of the moon landings. [Unfounded assumption]
Some people don't believe they happened. [Fact, unless a LOT of people are just IRL trolling]
The moon landings actually took place. [Especially unfounded assumption since you declared a minute ago that there is no proof of them - STUPID!]
The non-believers in the moon landings are idiots because the moon landings actually did occur. [Based on an unfounded assumption, so this cannot be proven.]
Now, I guess you're trying to use the moon landings as a metaphor for God.
Well you just said there is no proof of God.
Therefore by Occam's Razor it is safe to say God does not exist.
Thanks a lot, that was a real time-saver there!
Ah, the old "atheists = moon landing deniers" ploy.
I give you points for avoiding the "atheists = holocaust deniers" analogy, if only because doing so would be invoking Godwin's Law.
Yeah, but there is massive evidence for the lunar landings, and the nut-jobs who don't believe in it suggest massive conspiracies extending over decades to falsify evidence. In the case of God, there isn't any evidence. No one has ever seen Him. He hasn't done anything that can't be explained by natural causes. Tests of the efficacy of prayer have always turned up negative. That's a big difference from having photographs, telemetry data, moon rocks and the clear ability to send things to the moon.
Boy, as a philosophy major this guy just completely outclasses me.
How ever would I make a retort to such a brilliant arguments?
You're really a noob, aren't you?
There have been six crewed lunar landings. They've been documented, filmed, and the crews have brought back samples.
Your god, on the other hand, not so much.
Proof? You can go to the Science Museum in London and look at a module that actually landed on the Moon. It's not a replica; it's the actual one. You can go there and look at a machine that has actually been to the Moon. How cool is that?
I suppose Moon-landing deniers could argue that the Module is still a fake, as are all the rocks and footage brought back. But though the Moon is made of Earth material it doesn't quite the same proportions of some elements (I think it has less iron than Earth; I can't remember). Therefore these 'fake' Moon rocks aren't of terrestrial origin, so they must have at least come from out in space if not the Moon.
Equipment recovered and returned from the moon.
Mirror placed on the moon which we use to measure the distance to the moon.
Buzz Aldrin's right cross.
I believe n00b_pwner is an idiot. How do I know I am right?
Because only an idiot would create a name like 'n00b_pwner'. How pathetic does your life have to be to create a name that states you enjoy taking advantage of people.
None so blind as they who don't want to see, none so deaf as they who don't want to hear.
As I recall, the first lunar landing was televised.
I even watched it when I lived in Czechoslovakia in 1969!
One of the missions even planted a laser reflector on the surface of the moon, which is still used to measure the distance from earth to the moon by schools and astrophysicists around the world to this day, to an accuracy of +/-2 metres (or less)
The Russians excel in robotic missions and still have items on the moon which still function some 30 over thier designed lifetime.
Now about this god thing. To date man has invented over 2500 of them, and of course each and every one is the "one-true, all-powerful, all-seeing, all-hearing". Add to that the 5000+ gods in the CGI games and the associated demons and angels of all of them, that's quite a bunch.
NOT EVEN ONE has been seen or heard, or even responded to prayer or worship, let alone be around when most needed.
"I beleive(sic) in God."
That's nice.
Uh ,video, pictures, the actual rocks from the surface of the moon, interviews with the actual people that were there.
Yes the moon landing deniers are actually idiots.
GOD-no video, no pictures, no evidence. Faith alone.
We know it happened because it happened. Even when you guys are right, you use circular logic. Un-fucking-believable.
Oh, and we have video evidence of the moon landing. Where's the video evidence of God?
“I beleive in God.”
Cool. Try not to get any on the couch.
"Is there any PROOF right that the Lunar Landings took place? No.”
How can you say ‘no’? There’s film, personal testimony, eyewitnesses, moon rocks, equipment we can SEE on the moon, and mirror assemblies left behind that return lasers pointed at them.
“Are there non-believers? Yes.”
There are people that think the Earth is flat. So?
“Are the non-beleivers of the lunar landings idiots? Yes.”
Wait, you say we have NO PROOF of the event, but conclude that the naysayers are idiots? How do you determine that?
"How do we know? IT ACTUALLY TOOK PLACE.”
So, ultimately, you know you’re right because you know you’re right. This is your argument. ’God’s real because god’s real, and atheists asking for proof of God are idiots because God’s real.
What a fucking moron.
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