[Fundie psuedo-science traslator engaged]
Immutability is not harmed by artificial breeding.
God and the species he created never, ever, change except when man selectively breeds them, but this does not change the fact that this never happens in the wild.
Immutability refers to species that exist in the undisturbed wild.
You can't prove a species that you have never watched, studied, tested, taken samples from, or otherwise disturbed has changed can you? Well?, can you? See I'm right!
Wherever a new species is found----that is where it was introduced by a direct act of special
creation ex materia. There is no other way for species to appear.
Any time you discover a new species it is because God just created it there for you to find. See Goddidit!
[Fundie psuedo-science translator disengaged]
Whew...glad thats over with, I thought I was going to be sick. :(