God is a providential God, and everything that happens is under his control. When a person is ill, to the point of death, it is God's will. God has a plan, and when someone dies, it is part of his plan.
If a woman is going to die in childbirth, it is part of God's providential plan.
If a child is going to die in childbirth, it is part of God's providential plan.
If a doctor kills a child, it is murder, and though God may use it for good, I doubt that is was part of his plan. In the end, though,
...we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose. For those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brothers. And those he predestined, he also called; those he called, he also justified; those he justified, he also glorified.
First, please understand basic grammar skills, such as tenses. "... is was..."? Secondly, if everything is part of god's plan, than how can you doubt that something is? Isnt' that considered blasphemy or something?
"If a doctor kills a child, it is murder, and though God may use it for good, I doubt that is was part of his plan."
If everything is God's plan, then every individual murder/rape/etc is part of God's plan...
Either everything is part of your god's plan - or it isn't. You don't get to pick and choose.
It's like the idiotic power of prayer argument. There's a sick child - everyone is down on their knees a-prayin'. There are two outcomes - the child gets better, so it's an amazing testament to the power of prayer (but most probably to modern medical treatment)- or the child dies, in which case forget the prayer, it was obviously part of god's plan and it is not for us to question god's plan.
If god is in control of everything, and god is all knowing, then he knew the child would be aborted, and allowed it. So either you god is a hypocrite (which is quite possible), or he's not all powerful and knowing (which is quite possible), or, HE ISN'T REAL (which is most likely).
"God is a providential God, and everything that happens is under his control."
If your god supposedly has this big divine plan for everyone and everything, then prayer, as Jack Bauer has already suggested, is rather pointless. Worse than that, it's a mark of arrogance, effectively expecting your god to change some part of His divine plan, just for li'l ol' you.
So, when a human does it, is murder, but when God does it, it's perfectly fine!
But...when God knows that we, ourselves, have the capability to save the woman, how does that not factor into his will?
How can these people determine what is part of God's plan and what is not? If the U.S. invades a Muslim country and kills hundreds of thousands of innocent civilians over there, it's God's plan.
But if someone shoots a Christian or aborts a baby it's not part of God's plan?
Is this guy in control here or isn't he?
"Everything is part of God's plan unless I say it isn't."
If God is in control of everything, then he chose to let Eve eat the apple, for homosexuals to be gay, for people to sin, and for abortions to be legal.
well that's fine, but you can't call yourself "pro-life" if that's what you believe.
Also, if people dying in childbirth is god's will, then god is a dick.
everything that happens is under his control.
I doubt that is was part of his plan.
How exactly does this work? You can't pick and choose here.
Written in what I would call (cause it is) Biblical cadence. It makes no sense.
You think it means the best, most virtuous will prosper and be rewarded
I think it means God has no imagination, sense of humour and can't make a point to save his life
It would be extremely arrogant for me to think that the one who created the Universe and everything in it had my life planned out for me on Day 1. I am 1 of 7,000,000,000 living on a small part of a mostly-empty void ligh-years across with billions of galaxies, each containing a hundred billion suns. Like a grain of sand in a desert. It's beyond belief to think he "did it all for you."
Ah, so, the fall of mankind was part of God's Plan. So, why is he punishing us when everything is going according to plan?
So, if creationism falls apart when exposed to rational thought and the scientific method, is that part of the plan, too?
In other words:
"When people do what we want, whatever happens is God's plan. When people do what we don't want, it's an unacceptable corruption of God's plan and must be prevented/stopped/punished."
It sounds like Hannahjiejie has a bright future as a "free-market" economist.
Lets apply the same "logic" to some different field:
"If a driver dies in a car accident, it is part of God's providential plan.
If the passengers of this driver die in a car accident, it is part of God's providential plan.
If the driver had buckled up before the drive and reminded his passengers of using the seat-belt, and they survived the crash, I doubt that is was part of God's providential plan, though God may use it for good."
Is using the seat-belt violating "God's providential plan"? Why is using the seat-belt to protect against a deadly car crash not a violation, but removing a heap of cells (which has no feelings and no consciousness) which threatens the mothers life is allegedly a violation of this "plan"?
”God is a providential God, and everything that happens is under his control
If a doctor kills a child, it is murder, and though God may use it for good, I doubt that is was part of his plan”
Contradict yourself much?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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