I’ve said it before—
At some point, being a White Christian Heterosexual Male will eventually be a crime in this country.
Welcome to Nazi America.. the people voted Adolph “Hugo-Fidel-Stalin” Obama into power and Power is being seized and expanded.
So all I can say to everyone—
Don’t Blame Me— I voted for Palin!!!!!
Yes, whilst being a Black Atheist Homosexual Female will be the only legal thing.
Remembering of course, that Hitler himself was a White Christian Heterosexual MaleTM.
Fundie argument knocked straight to Mars. Oh wait, they can't go there since it's named after a pagan god, can they?
Power is being seized and expanded.
Is he kidding? Bush was one of the biggest proponents of the "Unitary Executive Theory" - the idea that the President basically isn't subject in any way to Congress and is therefore a law unto himself. If Obama takes that route, conservatives have no one to blame but themselves. The idea was begun under Reagan and pursued with a vengeance by Bush and his team of lawyers.
Everyone forgets that what's sauce for the Republican presidents may be sauce for the Democrats four or eight years later.
If anything, Hitler would agree with md1964, not with Obama as he is black, and not rightwing enough. Stalin was also White Heterosexual Male, not Christian, but he certainly worshiped something.
So you are proud to vote for a nincompoop. Good for you...
So much fail, so little time. We need to start a page dedicated just to the names xtians give to Obama. And you didn't vote for Palin, you voted for McCain, who chose Palin as his running mate. And just because we think that all people of any race, color, creed, religion, etc., should have rights and value in this country, doesn't mean we're against white heterosexual xtian males. That's just your delusions.
First, Palin wasn't running for president, that was McCain.
Second, your voting for Palin for anything above Wal-Mart greeter IS something you should be blamed for, possibly institutionalized.
"I’ve said it before
At some point, being a White Christian Heterosexual Male will eventually be a crime in this country."
Well then, that persecution complex of yours will finally pay off, wont it.
"Welcome to Nazi America.. the people voted Adolph “Hugo-Fidel-Stalin” Obama into power and Power is being seized and expanded."
You seem confused. It was "seized and expanded" in an unprecedented fashion by the last guy in office. If Obama should try the same shit then you only have Bush to blame.
"So all I can say to everyone
Don’t Blame Me
I voted for Palin!!!!!"
Palin wasn't running for President you moron. Remember the doddering old codger that was usually with her? That wasn't her father, that was the Presidential candidate you voted for.
Maybe its just me, but I see Palin as being more on the Hilter end of the political spectrum than Obama. But what do I know, I have just made politics my life.
Nazis/Hitler - fascist, meaning on the far end of the conservative spectrum
Castro/Stalin/Chavez - communist, meaning on the far end of the liberal spectrum
The two don't mix, dumbass!! They fucking hate each other! So unless Obama has Multiple Personality Disorder with all these fucktards fighting out an epic battle within his psyche (oh, wait, maybe he does and its just a SUPER SECRET COVERUP OH NOES CUM JEBUS!), your comments make no sense.
Welcome to Nazi America.. the people voted Adolph “Hugo-Fidel-Stalin” Obama into power and Power is being seized and expanded.
So all I can say to everyone
Don’t Blame Me
I voted for Palin!!!!! "
Nazi Germany outlawed abortion and evolution but loved guns. It was only a matter of time until we would have gas chambers - fortunately Obama won.
I voted for Palin.
What a surprise!
"White Christian Heterosexual _Male_"
"I voted for Palin"
Why didn't you vote for McCain? He was the one running at the top of the ticket. And, he was the White Christian Heterosexual Male.
Perhaps that's why he didn't do so well. Did some of his supporters forget who was running, and wrote in Palin?
Go fuck yourself! You know who got Obama elected? YOU! The Republican party trotted out a joke of a candidate and you and all your moron friends fell for it. You supported that goddamned idiot and damned everyone to hell who didn't. Smart people took one look at her and ran the other direction. So IF anything bad happens due to Obama's presidency it is 100% totally on YOU and the Republicans. If your precious God the GOP had picked a sensible candidate McCain would likely have won. Or maybe you all should have gone with Ron Paul, at least he gave a shit about the Constitution. Don't blame your losses on anyone but yourself, I don't want to hear your shit.
Castro/Stalin/Chavez - communist, meaning on the far end of the liberal spectrum
Sorry, but I have to disagree here.
Liberal/liberalism has absolutely nothing to do with socialism/communism.
The goals of socialism/communism are incompatible with the goals of liberalism (which are "individual rights", "freedom of thought/speech","equality of opportunity" and "private property")
So Castro/Stalin/Chavez are obviously not in the "liberal" spectrum.
P.S. I really don't know why "liberal" is a swear word in the US and why there it is so common to confuse it with socialism.
I’ve said it before
At some point, being a White Christian Heterosexual Male will eventually be a crime in this country.
And no matter what country you are in... you are always going to be wrong.
Welcome to Nazi America..
the people voted Adolph “Hugo-Fidel-Stalin” Obama into power and Power is being seized and expanded.
Who? what?
Here in Sweden the Conservative and the Liberal are competing on the right wing.
"Every man for himself" and "Let's do things as we have always done them", those are basically the same.
I like "from each man after his abilites, to each man according to his needs". If we all contribute, we can all share the fruits of our labour.
Wow. You're an insult to Jews and other holocaust surviviors everywhere. Let me show you a simple equation:
Not being able to persecute others b/c of religious beliefs =/= REAL persecution
[the people voted Adolph “Hugo-Fidel-Stalin” Obama into power and Power is being seized and expanded.]
Okay. Now show me valid evidence of concentration camps killing Christians in this country.
FUN FACT: Adolph actually was white! And he discriminated against non-whites! :-O
At least replace Obama's name with someone who actually persecuted you.
Oh no! White, Christian, straight men are being persecuted!
And I'm sure a half black/half white, straight, Christian male is going to kill them all!
You voted for Palin? You do realize McCain was Obama's opposition, don't you? Palin was McCain's running mate and is an idiotic woman who blames rape victims and thinks Africa is one big country. Trust me, the U.S. would be much worse off with her in the White House.
I just had this crazy idea of Adolf, Chavez, Fidel and Stalin locked into a cage, fighting to the death, all inside Obama's head.
Adolf Hitler: white, heterosexual (afaik), Christian male.
Joseph Stalin: white, heterosexual, male. Not Christian, afaik.
Fidel Castro: white, heterosexual, male. Was raised Roman Catholic, but is an atheist by his own admission.
Hugo Chavez: well, not white, but heterosexual, Christian (Roman Catholic) male.
Barack Obama: uh, not white either, but heterosexual Christian male.
You: fail.
"Second, your voting for Palin for anything above Wal-Mart greeter IS something you should be blamed for, possibly institutionalized."
I think that's a slap at Wal-Mart greeters. At least they're harmless.
I love how all these people don't seem to know that Palin was running for VP rather then President.
Mind you given McCain's age, he might well have died in office and we might have been stuck with Palin as the American President.
Also, Godwin.
Also, Hitler was right wing, and Stalin, Fidel and Hugo Chavez were/are left wing. You fail at politics.
First of all, you couldn't vote Palin for pres even if you wanted to. She wasn't running.
And second, you really wanted to vote for this shit:
Actually I think this is Poe. It sounds too over the top conservative.
Don’t Blame Me
I voted for Palin!!!!!
Right, then. Please expect a shipment of hungry wolves to your bedroom some nonspecific time in the future.
At some point, being a White Christian Heterosexual Male will eventually be a crime in this country.
Being a White Christian Heterosexual (why only males...apparently the females won't be criminalized for some reason) been for the past 2000 years, I don't think that is going to change any time soon.
Welcome to Nazi America.. the people voted Adolph “Hugo-Fidel-Stalin” Obama into power and Power is being seized and expanded.
A Nazi America created a person with communists in his name? They are practically polar opposites.
So all I can say to everyone
Don’t Blame Me
I voted for Palin!!!!!
How does one vote for a Vice-President?
The truth of the matter is, yes, if you vote for people who AREN'T ON THE DAMN BALLOT, your candidate will oftentimes lose.
Ok, I know people call the president Barack "Hussein" Obama, but Adolph "Hugo-Fidel-Stalin" Obama? You just failed so hard, the fail-o-meter goes to epic fail, then whirls right back to epic win, but continues back to epic fail. A complete 540 degrees of fail.
"Don’t Blame Me
I voted for Palin!!!!!"
Yes, we DO blame you for voting for Failin. And for creating the unholy mess that President Obama now has the unenviable task of cleaning up. A mess that was created by George Wanker Bush. And who was it who voted for him - TWICE?!
Therefore everything wrong with your country (and the world as a result of Dumbya's policies) can be blamed on you & every other Repubican, fundie & neocon.
I only hope, as a result of Obama's landslide, the GOP tears itself apart, resulting in two separate parties - the Moderates in the Republicans, and the Religious Right (the latter becoming our equivalent of the hopeless third party Liberal Democrats in the UK). And the Democrats are voted in for ever and ever amen.
You're aware that both Hitler and Stalin were White Christian Heterosexual Males, right, and that Palin is not?
Didn't Dubbya Shrub have Adolphina Rice in his government?
And, wasn't Hitler almost as much against black people and Communists, as he was against Jews?
While I'm not that much thrilled of President Obama, all of the antics you people complain about him doing came from the guy preceding him (President Bush? Remember him?), and many of you weren't complaining about him. Either that, or he was supporting loving thy neighbor as thyself, which many of you don't seem to get, and try to discredit or reinterpret.
"At some point, being a White Christian Heterosexual Male will eventually be a crime in this country."
...and as I'm a White Atheist Heterosexual Male in Britain , all I will say is this:
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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