Sherry Shriner #fundie

(this is just a small piece of the crazy pie.)

"Satan has a strong foothold in our government and military, in fact he's running both, literally as the military/industrial/government complex is nothing more than a Luciferian takeover of our country. Through the "aliens" he controls the world today. Who are the aliens? They are the fallen angels who rebelled with him, Lucifer, during his rebellion against the Most High. Part of their punishment was to lose their angelic looks. And even yet, some of the alien races such as the small greys that are one of the most popular today, are manufactured and created. Something like our own auto industry today. Need a grey? Just pump one out. They are created beings by the fallen angels to do their footwork on the frontline. The frontline being the closest one between them and us and that many times includes actual contact with humans."



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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