homosexual activity is up to three times deadlier than
Unprotected sex will do that. Start wearing condoms, knowing your partner's and your HIV status, and not screwing everything that rides in on two legs.
Notice I didn't say anything about sexuality. It's IMMATERIAL.
I heard somewhere, sometime, that more than half of smoker die as a result of smoking.
If that's correct, does Carl think that over 150% of homosexuals die as a result of being gay?
Tobacco-related deaths are the number one cause of death in the United States. (Including heart disease, lung cancer, emphysema) We'd have to kill all Teh Gehys, resurrect them and kill them again, and then again, for that little statistic to work at all.
I got my statistics from the American Cancer Society, for anyone who's wondering.
He may have a point. Deaths that people believe are attributed to smoking may not be related to smoking. If it were, then they could outlaw smoking. Smokers however, don't have the threat of some fundy wanting to kill them all, yet.
Cocksmoking more deadly than tobacco smoking? Surely not. I dunno, dickotine can be addictive and fuck up your lungs, I hear..
Yeah right. Nobody died of being gay. They might have been beaten to death by worthless Fundies, and some of them have died of various diseases. But in and of itself, there's nothing harmful about being gay. Idiot.
Jeanne Calment died aged 122 and didn't give up smoking until she was 120, whereas there have been gay men who have died at 40.
That doesn't actually prove anything, though.
@Garry Valibesoff:
Are you sure?
Wrong. It's people who are homophobic who are three times deadlier. See, nobody ever got lynched, shot, stabbed, drowned, burned, beaten, or stoned for smoking. I could easily come up with examples of homophobes doing all of those. Of course even that statistic is wrong, because sometimes the victim wasn't even homosexual. So let me reword that: homophobic idiots who need a reality check are three times deadlier than smoking, no, let's make it six times, seems a bit more accurate.
Oh, wow. Way to make your point, buddy. I almost don't even need to rip you for being such a loser.
Almost - it's just too fun.
I do hope you know that you're telling me and literally thousands of other "dirty faggots" to contract a horrible disease and possibly spread it to non -gays before we realize we have it. But, of course, your hate-filled mind just won't see that. You're much too busy making other human beings less than human in your mind so you can have someone to hate.
The real killer? You. Why not take a look at your post again and see who's really less-than-human? But that's ok, right? After all, Jesus still loves you even if you spout hate and murder in His name, doesn't he? Right?
First, no. More people die of Smoking (At least through U.S. stats) than AIDS (Which I would imagine this guys is alluding to, seeing how it's an AIDS group.)
Second, it doesn't help when closed minded bigots are willing to kill us merely for existing. Blame the victim much?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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