for someone who hates god. YOU sure spend alot of time bashing on a "god" that doesnt exist In your own mind.. look at the universe. IT is intelligently desiged.. you atheist piece of shit. god sent forth christ so that we may have eternal life.. dont you get it? life has NO meaning IF we just came out of "nothing" like evolution states. you stupid ass.
god is the Only logical explanation . cause its obvious!. stupid atheists belive that we evolved from monkeys and came from a puddle of "goo? wow!. on the day of judgment. i hope god sends you to the darkest pits of hell where you will burn forever and get bathed in pure hot flames.
(next comment)
jesus christ is lord. and i hope on the day of judgment , he sends u atheists to the deepest darkes pits of hell to burn in pure hot flames!. i cant belive atheists think that we ALL somehow magically appeared via "big bang" and we came from a huge puddle of primordial ooze.. the universe and the HUMAN body has intelligent design DIPSHIT!!.. thats like saying that the city of new york just randomly magically atheists get on my nerves with your fake logic
Such vitriol in this one, almost as if he thinks that insults are a viable substitute for evidence and citation.
Anyone ever notice that it's creationists who try to paint scientists as "unreasonably hostile" towards ID, when in reality it's the fundies who are unreasonably hostile towards ANYTHING that contradicts their narrow ideas. It's kinda disturbing when you look at how they've twisted reality around so much.
the deepest darkes pits of hell to burn in pure hot flames
So the flames don't produce any light, eh?
the HUMAN body has intelligent design
So then why do I wear glasses? Why do we get fat, or tired? What's the appendix for?
These comments bear all the hallmarks of creationist propaganda. Expecially the "goo" comment.
"i hope god sends you to the darkest pits of hell where you will burn forever and get bathed in pure hot flames." - Yep, thats what Jesus would say. None of that "loving everyone" nonsence.
"life has NO meaning IF we just came out of "nothing" like evolution states"
Of course it doesn't. Why do you think life must have a meaning? It's clear to me that life is just sort of an accident that propagated itself by evolving the desire to live. Our entire existence is an attempt to keep existing for the sake of doing so, with no purpose. Why can this not be so?
"god is the Only logical explanation . cause its obvious!"
It is not obvious that an invisible being is all-powerful, all-seeing, and has existed forever. In fact, it doesn't make any sense at all.
"thats like saying that the city of new york just randomly magically appeared"
No, creationism is like saying an all-powerful construction crane has always existed [Despite clearly being designed], instantly created New York, fucked around, rebuilt it, and then disappeared.
Evolution is like saying New York is the natural result of the evolution of society and the need for higher density living.
"god sent forth christ so that we may have eternal life.. "
Because the intelligent way to do it is to magically impregnate a maiden (not a virgin--the original word means maiden ) without her consent, go through the trauma of birth, live as a human for 30+ years, be nailed to a cross, die a horribly slow and painful death, lie in a tomb for three days while he visits hell, resurrect himself and then "transform" and rise bodily back into heaven, all to save us from a situation that he himself caused in the first place.
"dont you get it? life has NO meaning IF we just came out of "nothing" like evolution states. "
And that fact terrifies you so much that you have to cling to a fairytale and the belief that you're somehow 'special'.
"the universe and the HUMAN body has intelligent design "
Tell that to my faulty pancreas, my less-than-perfect eyes. Let's also not forget about the tiny sac of deadly poison sprouted off the colon (which can kill you if it bursts), and the vestigial tail-bone at the end of everyone's spine. (nevermind the humans that are born with actual tails...)
Yeah, real intelligent design decisions there.
::double facepaw::
Holy crap, this guy's an idiot!
BTW, tell it to my gallbladder...
1) I feel the love radiating from this post. *eyeroll*
2) One of life's great purposes is finding your own personal purpose and living it out. The purpose of life is not to be a miserable, scowling lump; it is to find something good and to enjoy it.
Another good endeavor is to not bother people and assume that your purpose is the only one in the world.
"atheists think that we ALL somehow magically appeared via "big bang" and we came from a huge puddle of primordial ooze"
Could you make up your mind, which one of those scenarios do we claim we came from?
Well, aren't you the arrogant little booger-brain!
"Jesuschristsavedme", he saved you because he knew he'd need some asswipe later on..
you atheist piece of shit.
you stupid ass.
stupid atheists
i hope god sends you to the darkest pits of hell where you will burn forever and get bathed in pure hot flames.
and i hope on the day of judgment , he sends u atheists to the deepest darkes pits of hell to burn in pure hot flames!
Feel the Christian love.
Isn't wrath one of the seven deadly sins? Doesn't that mean you're gonna be joining us in hell?
life has NO meaning IF we just came out of "nothing" like evolution states. you stupid ass.
If you fail to find meaning in your life without an outside source (god) then I can only pity your petulant little ass. Life has as much meaning as we care to give it. I chose to give it as much as I can. It's sad to see you don't.
stupid atheists belive that we evolved from monkeys and came from a puddle of "goo? wow!
So? You believe we popped into existence (literally) from mud and a rib, respectively.
And as to your general attitude, I have this to say to you:
Your life has just as much meaning as you decide to have. No god is required for you to have life, love, work, pleasure, interest, or compassion.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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