Gays may argue that they are in the pursuit of liberty and happiness
And that would be their right.
yet there is no logical means by which they are naturally in the pursuit of life.
For starters you are not required to pursue life, liberty, or happiness, on top of that the have their life and it's theirs to do with what they choose, you no more get to dictate what they do with their life than they can dictate what you do with yours.
Indeed the gay movement, by its very nature, is a movement in pursuit of death, its own extinction,
How so? Just because gays do not reproduce doesn't mean that there won't be any more gay people. There have always been gays and there will always be gays. People don't have to be "recruited" or raised by gays to become gay, they are born that way, they always have been.
for without the intervention of the state and the natural family, homosexuality results in the termination of posterity.
How do you figure? Does the state assign people to be gay now? It is sadly obvious that you have no idea what you're talking about.
The union of man and women with their resulting children compared to the gay union are polar opposites both in origin and fruit
So. Not everybody has to live up to a single ideal, much less one that was decided on by self righteous christian who want to dictate the way in which everyone should live. Whether you like it of not people are free to choose their own course in life. For example my best friend has chosen to neither marry nor have children would you condemn her also for not fulfilling your ideal of "man and women with their resulting children", even though she is not gay?
Christian do not get to dictate the lives of their fellow man, and the sooner you deal with that fact the sooner society can move past your particuarly disgusting brand of bigotry.