[On nuking the Middle East]
I know theres innocent people over there but you got to do it for the greater good of western society and lets face it they don't exactly go out and condemn the terrorist actions.
No one can seriously sit there and tell me they consider an arab life as much worth as an american life.
Dear Mr. STD, please go die of one.
What kind of greater good is a nuclear winter that would deform generations of people the world over?
"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness."
Thus sayeth Thomas Jefferson. Or was it his cousin, Fred Jefferson? I forget, sometimes.
Get the point, Mr. Syphilis?
To cut down on the waste of time, space and resources, you should be killed. It's for the greater good, STD.
Greater good. Ha. Reminds me of Grindelwald and Dumbledore from Harry Potter. Do you know how that story ended, STD?
And for your information, some Muslims DO condemn the terrorists. They just can't condemn every single terrorist bombing that you can Google up on the web. Did you go out and apologize every time the IRA committed terrorist acts? Did you go out and apologize every time a child was abused by a Catholic priest?
No one can seriously sit there and tell me they consider an arab life as much worth as an american life.
No one can seriously sit there and tell me they don't consider an Arab life as much worth as an American life. THEY'RE HUMAN BEINGS TOO, IDIOT! Just because they look different and have a different culture and don't live in the United States doesn't mean that they belong to a different species! Good Lord.
And as for your "greater good" notion:
Osama Bin Laden (to the suicide bombers before 9/11): I know there's innocent people over there, but you've got to do it for the greater good of Islam and let's face it, they don't exactly go out and condemn their government's actions.
I know theres innocent people over there but you got to do it for the greater good of western society and lets face it they don't exactly go out and condemn the terrorist actions.
No one can seriously sit there and tell me they consider an arab life as much worth as an american life.
I know theres innocent people over there but you got to do it for the greater good of Islamic society and lets face it they don't exactly go out and condemn the terrorist actions.
No one can seriously sit there and tell me they consider an american life as much worth as an arab life.
Osama bin Laden
Same shit, different religion.
Errrr, no. No life is more valuable than any other, even yours. You are a poor excuse for a human being, but your life isn't any more or less important than anyone else's.
I know theres innocent people over there but you got to do it for the greater good of western society and lets face it they don't exactly go out and condemn the terrorist actions.
By suggesting that we intend to 'cause death or serious bodily harm' to 'civilians or non-combatants' (namely arabs) with the purpose of 'intimidating a population or compelling a government or an international organisation' to 'do or abstain from doing any act' (namely terrorism), you are inciting terrorism. Do we get to nuke you?
You all can kiss my ass. My life is more important (to me) than anyone elses. My family's life is more important than other family's. My immediate community is more important than other communities, my country is more important than other countries.
Ironically, there is a popular arab saying that sums up this attitude that all cultures share, "Me against my brother, me and my brother against my cousin, me and my brother and cousin against the world."
Sorry if the truth isn't so touchy feely, but I agree with the poster.
Uhh...YEAH, I CAN!
That's why I absolutely HATE misogynistic, misandristic (though I've never really seen that, I'll include it for the sake of possibility), racist, &/or anti-non-whatever-religion-they're-endorsing Fundies!
...Why is your name "Mr STD?"
It's the UN definition. Terrorism isn't necissarily bad, in the same way war is not necissarily bad. In certain circumstances the killing of civillians is perfectly justified (can't think of any, but I am sure they exist). It's just made to seem that way by idiot polemics like Anne the Man.
I'd like to see fewer civilians killed in millitary conflicts is all.
grease: Kiss my ass, you self-absorbed little bitch. I value all life - even yours (although I don't know why after you spewed shit like this). In the end, you only value your own. Call that morality? It isn't, it's just enshrined selfishness. Be a selfish bitch if you like, but don't you dare claim it makes you morally superior to anyone.
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