[On the Shakers and their promotion of gender equality]
Perhaps, then, the price for gender equality is ultimately ethnic extinction, and this explains why patriarchy has always been the norm, and gynocracy the exception. This would also explain why major religions are invariably patriarchal, while female-oriented faiths, like Shakerism – and now the Episcopal Church – eventually die out.
However, more ominously today, it is not only some odd sects or cults that have adopted the Shakers’ values, but an entire political party, and indeed the secular orthodoxy that dominates the national narrative. Are Americans destined, under an equalist, gynocratic rule, to dwindle and die out? To the Shakers, that wouldn’t have been a tragedy; the equalist heavenly kingdom is not concerned with such trifles as the survival of peoples, as it is eternal. The rest of us, however, might do well to ask whether the destiny of our posterity concerns us, and if so, why we should allow today’s neo-Shakers so much power over its fate.
Yes, Americans, like all other living things on Earth, are destined to dwindle and die out, sooner or later, regardless of equality or gender power. 99 percent of all species that has ever lived are now extinct, after all.
I'd say that cooperation leads to survival, not extinction. Wolves and hyenas are mostly "gynocratic" and, but for the intrusion of man, thrives pretty well.
My problem with that speech is that, at least in my experience(that's not a full scientific study), feminists tend to have less children that conservatives.
I'd need more statistics to be sure(or to be contradicted), but my feeling is that, while miwing tomatoes & carrots, he's got a point : patriarchy tends to have more children.
That being said, we're already in too big numbers on this planet, and making less children should be a priority. My conclusion differ from its one, even if I agree with the starting point : fuck off patriarchy.
This would also explain why major religions are invariably patriarchal, while female-oriented faiths, like Shakerism and now the Episcopal Church eventually die out.
However, more ominously today, it is not only some odd sects or cults that have adopted the Shakers’ values, but an entire political party, and indeed the secular orthodoxy that dominates the national narrative.
So, the religion is on the verge of extinction but it completely dominates the national narrative?
Sure, the Democratic Party is dying out... when it's the Republicans who can't win a national election any more because their policies are against most of the country.
And, as others pointed out, the Shakers died out because they didn't believe in sex at all, not even for married couples, so naturally without replacing the members who die off with new blood, of course they disappeared. Plus, their no sex at all policy was not likely to attract many new members.
[On W.T.F. Price's tl;dr ]
But the Shakers - like the Quakers, Amish/Mennonites & Unitarian Universalists - were infinitely more Christian than the likes of you , buster.
Why should we allow today's neo-Nazi right-wing Fundamental ist Christain Theocratic Dominionists such as W.T.F. Price to have the right to exist ? But then, they know they have little or no power, post-late 2012, so they might as well become as extinct as the Shakers. As one of your ilk says:
'The GOP is dead'
-Pat Buchanan
"I, for one, welcome our vaginal overlords."
(*Presses Tannoy microphone button *)
Paging SpukiKitty. Will SpukiKitty please go to the Boudicca Argument Evisceration & Ballbreaking Ward, as a male patient is waiting. And please bring your Atomic Flamethrowing Vagina with you. >:D X3
Gynocracy? Can't this guy even spell gynecocracy properly?
FYI, a gynecocracy is not equality either.
Sure thing, Moose!
*The majestic, soul-stirring score to 'VOLTRON' plays*
Uh, the Shakers are dying out due to mandatory celibacy & nobody joining, dummy!
And the Episcopalian Church is doing fine, even if there's a few fuddy-duddies breaking away and starting anti-LGBT splinter churches.
Nice try W.T.F Lice.
Granted, my response is not particularly mind-blowing as Voltron's Blazing Sword but it's the best I could do for now since everybody else covered it all.
But it's my moontime now, sooooooo....
*opens legs*
(Off-Camera, on the left, is me.)
"This would also explain why major religions are invariably patriarchal, while female-oriented faiths, like Shakerism and now the Episcopal Church eventually die out."
okay, but how do explain all the patriarchal religions that have died out? do you think the current batch of major religions will last forever? do you think america will last forever, under some circumstance?
everything's temporary. you think you can get out of that by the way women are treated? you think the shakers would be thriving now if they taught male superiority. are you fucking stupid?
Er...maybe the Shakers died out because they prohibited sex? A little bit of historical research might do W.F. Price some good.
It might also be relevant to consider that they somehow still exist in very small numbers. Somehow.
The term “patriarchy” has a feminine equivalent: “Matriarchy.” But the term “matriarchy” doesn’t work for Price because it isn’t overtly descriptive in pointing out that women have a reproductive organ men lack.
Price uses an invention of his little chauvinist ass-grabbers’ club “gynocracy” to talk about a society that at once values equality and yet is ruled by women to the extent where the feminine imbalance would lead to extinction
somehow. (Obviously any society where women are allowed to compete with men for good jobs and leadership positions surely favours women to the point where it can be considered an exclusively uterine dictatorship.)
The corresponding masculine term for “gynocracy” would be “testocracy” or something equally dumb but that wouldn’t fly, because men are valued for more than their twigs and berries.
Price should also have done his research on the Shakers: They died off because they opposed sex of any sort.
The Quakers, on the other hand, are still disproportionately represented among humanitarians around 400 years after its introduction to Christianity and this is despite, or perhaps because of, their emphasis on gender equality.
Nevermind that these people take the religious shame tacked onto sex to such an extreme they never have sex under any circumstances, which hampers recruitment by being really stupid as well as natural reproduction and subsequent old-school faith spreading via beating it into your kids - wimminz is involved!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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