David J. Stewart
Let's go, people. I'm ready.
Katy Perry has been featured (dressed like a whore) on Sesame Street, singing with Elmo.
Dressed like a whore indeed.
Because bridal headwear is a dead ringer for a whore.
And seriously, what the fuck is your problem? This isn't even the worst of the Evil Hollywood Smut out there.
Why complain about Perry? I thought you were a more expert whiner, Davey.
Clearly, Katy Perry's smut and evil is being targeted even at the youngest age girls.
"Smut". You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.
Also, you do realize that the target audience of Sesame Street isn't sexually active yet, right? Those kids you diddled didn't enjoy it, you know.
It is tragic that 8 and 9 year old girls want to grow up to be whores like Katy Perry, wearing no clothes, acting bizarre, and blaspheming God.
Just the way you like it, Gilligan J. Kidfucker. Seriously, you have the least right in the entire world to complain about sexual exploitation targeted at children, you hypocritical, revolting pedophile rapist.
In one photo of Perry, she is holding a razor-point knife up to her right eye. Katy Perry is representative of the sicko California culture that worships sin, mental insanity, and rebellion against God.
Why do you hate California, Davey? No, seriously, I don't get it; why?
YouTube features umpteen videos of Katy Perry immodestly clothed and behaving like a whore.
Again, you have NO RIGHT to complain. At all.
In one concert video her fans are stroking their fingers on her private places.
[citation the size of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann needed]
Also, "private places"? That sounds like a bad hentai. "Uguu, senpai, stop... with my private places~"
Pfffft- Hahahahaha! [/point and laugh]
The same YouTube videos all have religious ads leading people to websites that teach the heresy of Lordship Salvation (another California plague)
I looked Lordship Salvation up just for you.
"Lordship Salvation emphasizes that submitting to Christ as Lord over your life goes hand-in-hand with trusting in Christ to be saved. It also focuses on a changed life as the result of salvation. Those who believe in Lordship Salvation would have serious doubts about a person who claims to believe in Christ but does not have good works evident in his life. The Bible does teach that faith in Christ will result in a changed life (2 Corinthians 5:17; Galatians 5:22-23; James 2:14-26)."
Source here.
Yeah, it's definitely of the devil.
Again, the fuck's your problem with California?
It's all part of the Communist subversion of America.
Seriously Davey? Seriously? You know this little about communism? It isn't just a moniker to stick on things you don't like.
Don't laugh, the UN is serious about stealing your kids.
Wait what?
The evil powers behind the moral decay of America are doing so to destroy families. The future Communist Police State wants parents to be mere incubators, not a real family.
Ohhhhhh, and here he comes with the "police state" argument, too. You guys always say that the 'Murican people are too ignorant to do anything against the NWO, Police State, *GASP* Obama, whatnot. Still, I'm pretty fucking sure that if anything seriously threatened their liberty they'd do something. Your rabid blogger ass is the proof.
The State wants to brainwash children, and a strong family hinders that from happening.
How ironic, considering it's mostly fundies who believe indoctrinating their children to mindlessly follow the Bible is a good idea.
Don't believe me, listen to the first head of the World Health Organization, George Brock Chisholm. There are hidden powers of darkness (Ephesians 6:12), which hide behind puppet politicians in Washington D.C., whose goal is to totally destroy America, no matter what the cost to Americans. It is all so evil.
Aaaand here comes the "puppet" argument, too. Davey's like a walking, talking thesaurus of old conspiracy theories and outdated strawmen. Lovely.
With a cellphone, you can destroy a family, or your own family in seconds, just dial 911. Local police have been militarily trained to be thugs,
You're not even a thesaurus, dude, you're like the Hitchiker's Guide to the Fallacy.
shoot the family pet,
Oh my god, is this guy for real?
The NWO be like "We'll install a Police state and sex up little kids! And then we'll kick their dogs!"
be intolerant, humiliate your family, abuse you, and most of all... GET YOU INTO THE SYSTEM. Once you're in the system, your family is toast. Read about this poor mother.
So if you call the police because you've been mugged, their response will be to assimilate you and your family into the Borg. Classy.
Davey's reached a new level of crazy. His award is a nifty, practical tinfoil hat.
Why do you think cellphones are being shoved down everyone's throats?
Because cellphone manufacturers want to make money? No, it's gotta be SATAN.
We're becoming a spy society! Turn your neighbor in! Think I'm kidding? Homeland Security Telescreens to Encourage Wal-Mart Shoppers to Spy On Each Other!
Again, old strawmen, this time "Wal-Mart is evil and every Wal-Mart shopper is an obese, ignorant sheep". Yawn.
America is becoming worse than Nazi Germany. We are now being oppressed by a private-corporate world government!
Oh my god THANK YOU, Kiddy-Diddler. I've been feeling pretty down as of late, I seriously needed this laugh. Thank you again.
My work here is done.