Antichrist (THE BEAST) will say to the Buddhists that he is MAITREYA, (The 5th Buddha), to The Hindus, he is Krishna, to the Moslems, he is Iman Madhi, to the Jews, he is Messiah and to the Catholics & Protestants, he is "Christ". He will be the "Lord of the Sabbath " to the Witches, The Beast to the Satanists, The "Great White Brother" of Hopi Indian Prophecy and The Return of Quezecoatal (Mayans), ETA: DEC 22 2012 AD).
...and he will say that he is the ninny that was comprehensively defeated by reality, although he very easily defeated the combined forces of Christendom.
Also, Rev. Harry Walther fails at adulthood so retreats into frothing insanity.
I'm Commander Shepard, and this is my favourite nutty religious prophecy on the planet! Seriously though, don't you reckon people would get a tad suspicious when every single religion's weird propher person showed up at the same time...? Oh, right, forgot, sorry, everyone in the world except True Christians is an idiot.
ETA: DEC 22 2012 AD
@Tak : More like, every person in the world except for those who agree with me aren't [k]really[/k] sincere in their faith. They don't [k]really[/k] disagree with me, they're just pretending to in order to rebel against god and sin without feeling guilty.
As a reminder, this is what some fundamentalists actually believe.
Had a look at the web site. It's one of "those."
I don't know about signs of the end times, but I know a rolling page of centered type where every paragraph is a different color is a sign of tinfoil poisoning.
Myth, myth, myth, myth, myth. You thertainly have mythed thith prediction. Your initial premyth ith mythtaken, tho any further invethtigathion will prove fruitleth. Thorry!
Or he would say to Atheists, "uuuhhhhh", then vanish in a puff of logic. Problem solved.
*edit* switched you to he
If the anti-Christ can even convincingly pose as Jesus then how the hell can God expect anyone to follow the right guy? You can't even use the old "you've gotta have faith" line because There are over a billion Catholics and millions of Protestants and at least some of them have full faith that they are fully following the genuine Jesus. All we have to assure us that your church knows the One True PathTM is your word. Unfortunately, that's also what other competing holy men have. If your God and Satan are real then this is a sick game they're playing. Satan for deceiving people and God for allowing it and then torturing people for eternity just because they happened to get it wrong.
Scrolling banners? Check. ALL CAPS? check. Text of various fonts, sizes, and every color rejected from the rainbow? check. Bonus points that my eyes are strained from reading it.
This site is a fundie's wet dream.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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