Amen Carico...there is no reasoning with people who refuse to accept His Truth. I've seen many angry atheists in my time..most of them have admitted to experimentation with perversions like drug abuse homosexuality witchcraft and trying to dye their skin..
You can offer them the Truth and they will deny it, they want to remain willfully ignorant they want to run from Him. Remember...they have made the jump from believing a God-->no god...on top of believing fairy tails and pseudoscientific theories..
History has shown the true danger of being absent of God..the nazis were the greatest atheistic threat modern society has ever faced. We saw what darwinism was capable of..but ultimately good will prevail. They can run and deny, but only they wil have to answer to their chosen savior...Satan...
Interesting factoids:
I was an atheist by default. When I heard about this God guy, I remember thinking, "Really? That doesn't make sense..."
The Nazis were doing God's will, supposedly.
Social Darwinism is an unrelated topic which is a misinterpretation of evolutionary theory and has little to do with atheism.
I don't believe Satan exists either.
Yeah, damn that theistic Hitler, proving atheism is evil.
Oh. What. Wait?
Besides, your bible has more pro-genocide stories in it than any other work of fiction I've read.
"We have . . . undertaken the fight against the atheistic movement, and that not merely with a few theoretical declarations: we have stamped it out."
That's a quote by Hitler.
Now start sucking.
"there is no reasoning with people who accept His Truth."
"the nazis were the greatest atheistic threat modern society has ever faced."
"I intend to set up a thousand-year Reich and anyone who
supports me in this battle is a fellow-fighter for a unique
spiritual I would say divine creation...Rudolf Hess,
my assistant of many years standing, would tell you:
If we have such a leader, God is with us."
-- Adolf Hitler --
"I've seen many angry atheists in my time."
I actually believe you have, TaT. Your brand of relentless stupidity could anger the calmest of people.
Stupid bullshit! Nazi SS deathcamp guards Had "God is with Us" on their equipment. Drug use among atheists is no higher than among religious types(Don't even want to tell you how many of my friends committed to Christianity from acid trips where they "saw God") and homosexuals come in all religious flavors as well as atheists. Religion, any of the hundreds of religions, by their dependence on supernatural interference, require belief in fairy tales and pseudoscience. Atheists(by definition) do not believe in ANY DEITY, so they don't believe in Satan any more than they believe Jesus, Allah, Zeus, Thor, Odin, or any other God.PS Are we sure T and T isn't a carico sock puppet?
Actually, there is no reasoning with a person who uses the bible instead of his or her brain to come to conclusions about life. But, I suppose that goes without saying when one says something as ignorant as this.
there is no reasoning with people who refuse to accept His Truth.
Yet you don't stop trying do you.
I've seen many angry atheists in my time
Personally I could see the Dali Lama punching you in the face.
most of them have admitted to experimentation with perversions like drug abuse homosexuality witchcraft and trying to dye their skin
drug abuse? A little pot as a teen
homosexuality? Nope, never interested
witchcraft? Other than doing some research into their beliefs, nope
trying to dye their skin? Either you get a tattoo or you don't; trying doesn't really enter the equation
they want to remain willfully ignorant they want to run from Him.
As much as I want to run from invisible pink unicorns.
on top of believing fairy tails and pseudoscientific theories..
Oh shiny shiny mirror
the nazis were the greatest atheistic threat modern society has ever faced.
The Nazi's were doing gods work, pick up a history book sometime
We saw what darwinism was capable of..but ultimately good will prevail.
They can run and deny, but only they will have to answer to their chosen savior...Satan...
I know it blows your little fundie minds, but we don't believe in Satan either.
They can run and deny, but only they wil have to answer to their chosen savior...Satan...
Huh? So Satan judges atheists after death, and God does the religious folk? That seems fair.
"Account for your actions, mortal!"
"I have no excuses oh dark one! I stole, I decieved, and I fornicated constantly!"
"Awesome! Come in, have a drink! What about you?"
"Erm, well I always tried to be nice to everybody, and I gave lots of money to charity-"
"Damn do-gooder! I condemn you to Heaven with the rest of your sort, to be tortured with religious music for all eternity!"
Virtually the entire population of Germany was Christian, including -- in his own weird way -- Hitler. Those folks herding Jews, gypsies, homosexuals, Russian POWs and poltical undesirables into gas chambers were Catholics, Lutherans, Evangelicals ... You name the denomination, they all did yeoman work on behalf of the Final Solution.
"I've seen many angry atheists in my time..most of them have admitted to experimentation with perversions like drug abuse homosexuality witchcraft and trying to dye their skin .."
Is this why you fundies assume that after they're dead, atheists will be sent to Gehenna?
~David D.G.
First off, "holier than thou" much?
Second, did it ever occur to you that your "Truth" is actually unconvincing, unsubstantiated, and, in reality, completely unfounded? And that there is not even an intuitive reason to assume that any god(s) exist, let alone the "God" of your particular flavor of religion?
Third, the Nazis were not atheists (other Communist mass-murderers were, though), but even if they were, the actions of individuals with a particular belief (or non-belief) are not indicative of the merits of that belief (or non-belief). If we did hold entire belief systems at fault for the actions of individual people, then we would be aimlessly pointing fingers 'til the sun vanishes from the sky. (Of course, this isn't to say that we cannot judge ideologies on their nature if there something inherent in them that justifies and/or condones similar behavior, and there are corresponding trends suggesting that it has done so on more than one occasion, in many different times and places. But, that is a slippery slope as well...).
Oh sweet merciful crapfuck! T&T and Carico have found each other! Well, guys, it's been nice knowing you (most of you, anyway), but it would appear that we have come to the end of all things. The Stupidity Singularity is upon us.
Yes, I believe in fairy tales like evolution.
I wish I could believe in the historical account of the holy spirit coming down to earth, impregnating Mary who then gave birth to a man-god that died and ascended into the sky
"drug abuse homosexuality witchcraft and trying to dye their skin"
This is as far as I got. WTF???? Dying their skin? Where did that come from? Helpp, my parts of my brain are shutting down, overload, overload, make the bad man stop.
Hopefully now there's been a meeting of the minds, Trinidad, Tobago, and Carico can all get a hotel room and leave the sane world alone.
Yeah right, the regime that supports positive christianity similar to what we have today in the Xtian right, revere the anti-Semite Martin Luther as a hero and has "Gott mit Uns" on their belt buckles are atheists.
This is what I dislike about the media, they have to dumb Hitler down so that people will see him as a Thor-believing super villain who they can really hate without confronting the facts that his ideas come from the Babble
I just had a nightmare. It involved the offspring of Carico and T&T. I woke up in a cold sweat. I was screaming. The shakes lasted for about an hour before my body was able to return to something like normal. I won't be sleeping well for a while.
EDIT: is T&T one person or two? My dream had it as a single entity, and I wouldn't really expect fundies to be in to threesomes... "Oh noes! Won't somebody think of the sanctity of marriage?"
You know... it's gotten to the point where Septic Sceptic's comments are identifiable by content rather than handle, in the same fashion as Eddie Izzard's brand of humor is easily separated stylistically from that of other comedians.
This maybe a sign that I have spent far too much time here, or that Sceptic has. (I've never expected less from anyone whose handle is a nod to one of my greatest pet peeves, as an editor, people who can't spell skeptic.)
(Unless, you are a Brit.)
dying your skin? what like tanning? or tattoos? Or trying to turn yourself from black to white? My brain hurts.
PS. Hitler was a "christian" and most Nazi's were church going good christians....and Hitler got the oh fuck it, I'm just gonna beat my head against a brick wall!
I don't have to admit to "trying to dye my skin". I wear my tattoos out in the open, as I'm proud of them.
(I've gotten a lot of compliments from straight, religious people on my bi symbol. They think it's a "pretty design". If only they knew! ;))
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