Guess what? Stuff has happened to me that seemed supernatural. I have not been able to find any realistic explanation for them, but I don't go around saying, "I'VE SEEN A SUPERNATURAL FORCE! I'VE SEEN A SUPERNATURAL FORCE! I KNOW BECAUSE I SAW THIS HAPPEN AND CAN'T FIGURE OUT A WAY TO EXPLAIN IT USING SCIENCE!" Because I recognize that, considering my relatively skimpy knowledge of the working of the world/physics/science, there probably IS a reasonable explanation for the things I've witnessed that have nothing to do with the supernatural, that I'm simply not aware of.
Example 1: I was in a park, playing Frisbee with my family. One of us (probably me) accidentally threw it down the hill. When I went to go get it, another family saw it and the dad picked it up and threw it back to me. As I was running forward to catch it, the Frisbee, while still spinning, stopped moving towards me and just spun there in mid-air. I was so stunned I couldn't move, and the dad had to grab the Frisbee from the air and hand it to me.
Does this prove there are supernatural forces! Of course not! It just means I have an inadequate knowledge of physics and aerodynamics, which I'm sure would easily be able to account for what happened.
Example 2: While I was at my aunt's, I told her about the trouble I tend to have falling asleep. She suggested a meditation technique where I stare at a point slightly above and slightly ahead of me for a long time, and then close my eyes and picture soothing colours swirling in my head. I tried this for a while, to no avail. So for a few minutes, I simply lay there, staring at the ceiling. Suddenly, I saw a flash of light next to my bed. Not simply a flash more like a beam, a cone starting at the floor and tapering out as it got higher. It was bluish-white. And it was gone as soon as it appeared. A few minutes later, I heard sirens. Four people had been in a car accident at pretty much the same time I saw the flash of light.
Does this mean I "saw" the accident in the form of some crazy flash of light? I'm not saying it's absolutely impossible, but I'm saying that we don't have all the information to either prove that's what happened, or to disprove that there's a realistic explanation. When I examined the spot next to my bed, I found some cell-phone-like hand-held device. I swear it hadn't been there when I went to bed, but the perception of humans is very fallible. Also, it seemed to be off, so I don't know how it could have been the source of the flash. Also, as I said, the flash seemed more like a BEAM. But, as I said, human perception is fallible, particularly in the dark when you're trying to sleep. It's more likely than anything else that my eyes/brain were playing tricks on me.
Faulty human perception in no way lends credence to supernatural claims.