"You can't put God in a petri dish or a test tube and you won't ever prove Him scientifically..."
God is all-powerful. He could put himself in a petri dish if He wanted to! Blasphemer!
"...but we do have extraordinary proof for Jesus' extraordinary claim that He was God in the flesh: He rose from the dead."
And you know this because a huckster, one step below a drunken beggar on the parasite scale, said so and wrote it down. Why would he lie? Oh yeah, the money.
"Then, nearly 2000 years later, He changed my life."
So did Archimedes, Cicero, and more recently Descartes, and Pasteur. I guess they're all gods, huh? And they have one thing that Jesus does not, independent verification.
"He can do the same for you. Science can know nothing of the supernatural, because science is limited."
Sorry, my supernatural being of choice is Bugs Bunny. All the same can be said of him.