God does not have to obey any ethical precepts whatsoever. He kills people all the time (He commanded the genocide of Canaan. And just wait until the battle of Armageddon) he lies and uses deception, (sending strong delusions so that people may believe a lie) he "gives and takes away" as Job says, (like a thief would do) he begets a son (Jesus) with a woman (Mary) to whom He was not married, (adulterer) et cetera, et cetera.
Now I am NOT saying God is actually a murderer, liar, thief, and adulterer. Not at all. My point is, that each and every one of these so-called ethical violations simply don't apply to God. [...] The main point is simply: HUMAN ETHICS DO NOT APPLY TO GOD. NOT AT ALL. NOT EVER. [...] Just because you were raised in a church where they "glossed over" the parts of the Bible that are "unpleasant" does not mean that their straw man of Christianity is the correct one.
You aren dying by irony overdose. Man, rewind, is God, the founder of our religion, the first one who disbelieves his own rules?. Hilarious. Definitely hilarious.
If "God" doesn't have to obey "any ethical precepts whatsoever," then he cannot be deemed "good," "loving" or any description which implies positive ethical behavior.
The Bible itself admits that God is a liar.
In the stories of the virgin birth, God never asks Mary for her consent, he rapes her and is thus an adulterer.
Throughout the OT it is obvious that God is a wanton murderer.
God advovates theft instructing the Israelites to rip-off the Egyptians.
Face it, bimms, the God of the Bible is a cruel, asshole who shouldn't be worshipped.
God did not have a kid with Mary, the holy spirit did. So not only is Jesus not God's son, he is the bastard son of god's messenger and an earth woman.
And if we're not applying "human" ethics to God, but his own. You do know that he is the original writer of the ten commandments, don't you?
If god doesn't follow any ethical or moral principles, what makes him worthy of worship? Just that he's many times more powerful than us? Satan is also many times more powerful than us, so should we worship him too? I imagine most fundies would answer "Of course not, because Satan is evil." Evil as in not following any ethical or moral principles?
In short, Bimms thinks we should all be Satan worshipers.
Oldly enough, I kinda agree with bimms here. God is an evil, fickle, spiteful fuck throughout the Bible, and a lot of christians gloss over it, focusing on the happy, loving, fogiving dude with the beard and hippy hair.
Of course, we both come to different conclusions based on these facts. and frankly, I'd perfer the intellectually dishonest xtians to the ones who happily worship an insane death god.
These guys, as scary as they are, do have a point: if a supreme being does something wrong, what is a mortal to say about it?
Although that really doesn't paint a very good picture of God's nature.
Okay, bimms, you've stepped in it here. If the "ethics" you speak of are human ethics, then they did not come from God. Since they are the same ethics as written in the Bible, that means the Bible was created and written by humans, therefore, God is unnecessary in this equation. Since humans created these ethics and God is not bound to them, that makes mankind better than God (if he exited.)
If, on the other hand, you're simply talking out of your ass and God did establish the ethics we live by, then he is a worthless, evil entity that does not deserve our love, devotion, and obedience since he will not adhere to the same rules he established for his subjects. That is what is known as a tyrant.
But, hey, it's your choice. Which is it? Got to be one of the two. You pick.
Right, so god is supposed to set an example for humans to live up to, yet he commits crimes agains humanity that he cannot be held accountable for by human morals and ethics. So what are we supposed to do? I say, forget this sociopath called god and live out your life in peace.
And yet Christ, who as you may be aware of is, according to Christianity, actually God himself, said "do not think that I have come to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I have not come to abolish them but to fulfill them." This seems to imply that God did, in fact, hold himself to the rules and laws that he established for his people.
And your whole statement violates one of the pre-eminent doctrines of Christianity, that God is constant, that he is unchanging, that what he establishes on one day will not be contradicted on the next. Without this constancy, Christianity has no firm base to sustain itself on. (Read Monstrous Regiment by Terry Pratchett to get an idea of what a problem an inconstant God can be.)
If God simply does whatever he likes, whenever he likes, if he does not hold himself to a moral standard, then how can you be certain of anything, including your salvation? By promoting your sociopathic idea of God, you are simply persuing a self-indulgent faith following a self-indulgent, selfish diety.
God is a murdering, raping, thieving, lying, petty, misogynistic, racist, torturing, eco-terrorist, animal slaughtering, burned-flesh craving, blood-thirsty, genocidal, bi-polar, short-tempered bully who kills peoples' families because they love him. Sure he invented satan, evil and hell, but it's all because he love you to pieces! So come to church this sunday and praise his name! Don't forget your checkbook!
Yeah, I'll take a pass on that, thanks anyway.
Well, at least you're honest. Your god is an all-powerful sociopath who treats his special creation, humanity, the way little boys treat insects. How you can ask us to praise and worship such an abomination is beyond me.
Right, so basically you're saying precede liar, thief and murderer with "Holy" and it's all OK.
Damn, Mr Dino's closer than he thinks...
OK Fuckwit, you really need to read your bible.
It's good you've noticed God is an asshole, BUT...
You cannot say these labels do not apply to him.
In Genesis 3:5, Satan said to Eve.
For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.
Read Genesis 3. God lies. Satan tells the truth.
Now I am NOT saying God is actually a murderer, liar, thief, and adulterer. Not at all. My point is, that each and every one of these so-called ethical violations simply don't apply to...
Wasn't that Saddam's defense in Tikrit?
The best part is the sex outside marriage of God. Man, you don´t understand that Mary carried on being virgin, that she was an exception........well, I remind you that Jesus told us to aspire to be perfect like God. Your post is a total stupidity. Have you realised that maybe it was more men´s fantasy than reality?
I know this probably won't convince y'all that God is just in what He does (or that He even exists), but I would just like to explain the best I can why God does some of what He does, at least IMHO.
Alright, say you're a parent with a couple of children. You love them and want what's best for them. At times though, they disobey you, sometimes doing something that is extremely dangerous. You do what you gotta do to get them out of that situation, then you discipline them. If, after you discipline them, they continue in that behavior, you have to discipline them again, this time, a bit more firmly. Etc. Etc.
Now picture God as that parent. And say the disobedience has gone on for hundreds, thousands, (if Evolution is true, hundreds of thousands) of years. Get the picture?
I would question the skills of a parent who had to apply progressively harsher punishments. Children do learn, even those with mental disabilities. And children eventually leave their parents, something that the God of the Bible doesn't permit. I don't think the analogy works.
According to the Bible, God created humans with the capacity to disobey, failed to intervene when they disobeyed, and then blamed them for their disobedience, all the while excusing Himself from the rules he set for them. Quite a guy.
"[he] does not have to obey any ethical precepts whatsoever."
"He kills people all the time"
"he lies and uses deception"
he "gives and takes away" ... (like a thief would do)
God is clearly Satan.
Why do these human laws apply to Satan and not God?
What do you have against him?
all ethos should flow from god as exemplar of the right way.
SO go forth and rape ,kill, plunder and pillage.
Oh you've already done that.
This is exactly what's wrong with every one of these cults, from supernatural religions to human cults of personality. Making any one person or being (and by extension those who claim to be following his/her/it's orders) exempt from human ethics is the most dangerous and destructive thing people can do. Also, you suck.
He most certainly does not have to obey human ethics. Technically none of us do, either. It does, however, revoke our rights to certain titles as "good," "kind," "loving," and the likes.
Rewind to 1940...
Da Fuhrer does not have to obey any ethical precepts whatsoever. He kills people all the time (He commanded the Nazi Holocaust. And just wait until he takes over the world) he lies and uses deception, (deception and persuasion that Jews are responsible for everything wrong in Germany.) he "gives and takes away" as many of Germany's Jews have seen, he believes only those of a certain race have a right to life and everone else must die.
Now I am NOT saying da Fuhrer is actually a murderer, liar, thief, and racist. Not at all. My point is, that each and every one of these so-called ethical violations simply don't apply da Fuhrer. [...] The main point is simply: HUMAN ETHICS DO NOT APPLY TO DA FUHRER. NOT AT ALL. NOT EVER. [...] Just because you were raised to believe that 'murder is wrong' or 'gassing children and burning babies is bad' doesn't mean your straw man version of morality is true.
Ah, so you and your cohorts are the ONLY ones that have correctly interpreted the ancient manuscripts. All of the great thinkers throughout history...but it is bimms@juno.com that got it right.
Also, your god would be a douchebag by any standard if he was real.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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