My question is why, back even 20 years ago, gay marraige or even homosexuality wasn't even heard of? Why is it all of a sudden an 'new' thing? Because you choose to be gay.
How much do you want to bet this poster thinks all of history began with him?
Gaiety has been around for at least as long as human history and literature mention sex at all (i.e., I know of it being mentioned with respect to ancient Greece, and I'll bet historians know of even older references). It's not a choice; it's an inborn disposition. Did you CHOOSE to be heterosexual, Sheth?
The shameful thing is that it has taken so many thousands of years to get to a point at which society is beginning to accept gay relationships as being just as valid as straight relationships. Not all of society is on board yet by a long shot, but things have improved, and change will continue -- so, Sheth, just get used to it. It took a long time to leave slavery behind, but it finally happened (at least in most countries) bigots may scream about it, but they won't change it back.
~David D.G.
Have you ever heard of...
Alexander the Great?
Christopher Marlowe?
Prince Felix Youssoupov of Russia?
Oscar Wilde?
Lord Alfred Douglas?
All homosexuals from hundreds, even thousands, of years ago.
My question is why, back even 20 years ago, interracial marriage wasn't even heard of? Why is it all of a sudden a 'new' thing? Because you choose to betray your race.
My question is why, back even 20 years ago, domestic abuse wasn't even heard of? Why is it all of a sudden a 'new' thing? Because you choose to disobey your husband.
Sheth, you are an idiot.
Explain to me why you choose to be gay. I want to ask this guy; "could you choose to be gay." and he would say "no!" contradicting that "you choose to be gay." You are born gay, Sheth, and it isnt a new thing..stop being a tard now.
Were you even born 20 years ago? I was twenty then, and homosexuality was heard of. It was more taboo than it is today, sure, but it was definitely heard of.
Why would people in countries like Iran and Uganda choose to be gay, when that choice would probably mean a death sentence? If they could choose to be straight, wouldn't they do that, rather than be stoned to death? How come no scientific study has ever shown that you can be cured of homosexuality?
There are gay couples who have been together LONGER than 20 years, so that blows your theory out of the water...even if you were to ignore all the other thousands of years of evidence of homosexuality, including the bible you like to wave.
Ian McKellan is much much older than 20, and he's been gay his whole every other gay person out there.
Fun fact: The concept of the computer was invented a LONG time ago (more than 50 years ago) by a GAY man, Alan Turing. And guess what? Society basically murdered him, causing him so much grief that he committed suicide.
So much for there being no gays more than 20 years ago.
I reported to my first boat in 1981. Two of the sonar techs on my first patrol were constantly violating my personal space. Everyone told me to man up, there wasn’t that much room on subs.
They both retired within a month. And at the end of off crew, we all got these buff envelopes. It was invitations to their marriage. Wasn’t legal in 1982, but it WAS a thing.
All my shipmates started twitching. “He touched me that one time!”
I’d have gone, but my chief convinced me it would be bad for my career. I really wish i’d ignored him…
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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