"As for me not being able to prove my God exists, you're absolutely right, I can't prove it to you, to find something as proven takes a leap of faith, but what I can do is show other religions to be false, and give evidences of mine being true."
Ah, YouTube. The last refuge of the frustrated fundie. Certainly the stupidest. And of course, stupidity is based on ignorance. As evidenced by:
"Wicca is false not only because it's beliefes go against simple human logic such as the law of right and wrong, but also the contradictory beliefes of it, saying all religions are correct in their own way is impossible, this also goes for new age etc.."
I guess you fell asleep in the Comparative Religions class when they were doing Alternative beliefs, amirite? Or merely 'hoemskuled' much, Spectersparten? A clue for free (emphasis added):
'An it harm none, do what thou wilt'
In just eight words, the basis of Wicca renders your '10 Commandments' as just so much tl;dr.
It is the essence of the Golden Rule. Certainly Humanist morals (and that of we Atheists, me included):
'Treat others as you would want them to treat you.' 'I wouldn't want to be killed/harmed, nor have my property stolen/damaged, so why should I do the same to others?' 'Commit acts of gratuitous kindness.' 'Be good for goodness' sake.'
No nonexistent 'God' required, even if one needed to have the existence of such a nebulous entity proved in the first place; besides, if your 'god' did indeed exist, then if he were all he was cracked up to be, then surely he could prove his own existence by himself, with no need for 'faith' in the first place? (and if not, he's a lazy cunt who doesn't even have the right to be 'believed', never mind worshipped). Frankly, the likes of you Spectersparten are a 'fifth wheel', surplus to requirements. Irrelevant. (ergo, your need to 'proseltyse' is completely pointless. QED). As a comedian once said (emphasis added):
'If God is the most powerful being in the universe, why does he need a bunch of bozos to do his P.R.?'
Now ask yourself that question. I certainly did in my youth. If you can come up with the only possible answer (without the need for the even more irrelevent, illogical - and utterly superstitious - concept of 'faith'), then...:
Welcome to reality.