I personally am against this "Big Brother" approach. What started off in this country - United Kingdom, as a basically honourable idea - DNA data bank for tracking terrorists/child rapists et al, has suddenly become open to abuse. The hypothesis: "If you've got noting to hide, you've got nothing to fear." has been overused so much it has now become a cliche. The number of bodies legally entitled to enter your premesis whether or not you approve is not limited to the emergency services - increadibly it runs into three figures, including tax inspectors. OK, few of them are used, but they still have the right to enter your property uninvited. The Government also have the right to delve into your medical records and, of course, bank accounts. In fact, if you leave your mobile phone on, they can trace exactly where you are to within three feet, because all mobile phones emit a signal - that's why whenever I go out for the day, I either turn it off or leave it at home. I personally am sick and tired of the Government poking it's nose into my affairs, and honourably as it may initially seem, how long is it going to be before it is used to determine texts between consenting homosexuals under the guise of "The community needs protecting." In this country you've got dummies in the Government losing highly confidential data all over the place. Not a week goes by without it emerging yet another Government minister has lost his laptop containing the unencrypted data of soldiers or other highly classified information.
Even as I sit here writing this message, the Government know how many computers are on at any one time, who they belong to, and what web sites they frequent. George Orwell would be turning in his grave if he knew just ho much informationwe give out about ourselves winds up under the eyes of busybodies.
The Government didn't bail out the banks for our benefits - they did it so they could keep an even tighter control on who has what in their account. There are many people out there like me who deal only in cash - that way the Government don't know what we spend our money on. Tradesmen will give you a substancial reduction if you pay cash, too. I hope somebody in Governmental circles reads this and takes the point!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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