[Then why would he punish generations for the sins of adam and eve?]
because hes just?
Policeman: Mr. Bored as hell?
Bored as hell: Yes.
Policeman: Could you come with me please?
Bored as hell: Why? What did I do?
Policeman: We've found evidence that your great grandfather sodomized a goat.
Bored as hell: What? But I didn't do any . . .
Policeman: Place your hands behind your back, please. You have the right to remain silent . . .
mad dog: Well, God must be a pretty big freaking dick to punish billions of people for the sins of two individuals, making him almost as big a dick as Superman (Superman was shown to be the biggest dick ever by this website (http://www.superdickery.com ))
Don't you guys try to get around this. Bah has absolutely got this straight. Psalm 19:9 KJV says "...the judgments of the LORD are true and righteous altogether." That includes rape, mass-murder, infanticide, theft, lying, genocide, whatever God does is "true and righteous altogether." It's irrefutable. After all, it's the Babble truth.
I suspect this has something to do with some Christians' relativistic (that's right, relativistic) idea of justice, wherein all sin is infinitely evil when compared to the alleged absolute perfection of God, thus requireing infinite punishment. It's sick, but it makes it's own twisted sense.
<<I foun a bible quiz on the internet a few days ago. It was in Dutch so I won't post the link here.
But it was made by a Catholic bible study group and contained questions like:
Which crime was not committed in the OT?
- Genocide
- Etnic cleansing
- Incest
- Rape
- Beheadings
- Murder of family (Broedermoord = killing of your "brothers".)
- Crucifixion
- Slavery
And people still believe that the bible is the "good" word of a "just" god.
The question probably referred to things done by people other than the Jews, because if God did/ordered it, it was just punishment not a crime (that's sarcasm btw).
PS: The answer is 'Crucifixion'
I used to work with a guy who used "Just" to diminish the value of everything. He'd pick up some cheap crap and say it was "Just for the kids" or "Just for around the house" - so it didn't have to be much good. "Damn, I have to pick up a present. I'm going to KMart 'cause it's just for the old lady." Now I work in a paint store where a lot of customers will buy the cheapest $4 a gallon watered down chalk because "It's just for the house, I'm selling it anyway."
Maybe this "god" is that kind of just - he's just everywhere. Like horse shit.
because hes just
Who put the fucking tree there in the first place...?!
Therefore all fundie Christains are to be Persecuted for their crime of not regarding their 'God' as an inferior subhuman shitbag who never had the right to exist in the first place: if he ever did.
Kim Il-Davis. Josh Buggar. Roy Less . They are just the beginning. It'll happen to you too.
And you don't have the right to think about complaining. Take your just punishment: and like it.
You expected that of all those you'd persecuted previously: LGBT people: those whom you'd subjectively consider to be not exactly like you: so-called 'Sinners'; we had to take our Persecution without complaint. And like it. And all from the Raygun 'Religious Reich' era. Well, Josh Buggar put paid to that. He alone destroys the whole concept of Sin: and all of you are tarred with the same worse -than sin brush. Roy Less was the final straw.
Adam & Eve for you, Josh Buggar for us. Only, there's one big difference: The former are fictional, and the latter is real .
Reality - coupled with the law, P.R. & public perception - is on our side, y'see. Therefore we can judge: and you lot never had the right to think of doing so in the first place. All right-wing Fundamental ist Christains are worse -than sinners: even your 'God'. J'accuse!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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