Sharon Price & others #fundie

(=Regarding Christians who believe in Evolution=)

Sharon Price: There are plenty of scientists who believe in a young earth. Unfortunately, our secular society discredits and ostracises them. It is important for a Christian to know if the Bible is the Truth... if it is not 100% true, where does truth begin? Also, as Jesus spoke of Genesis as truth, for the Christian not to believe in literal Genesis, means they can’t trust Jesus. Either He is God personified, or he’s a charlatan. Yes, there are prophetic writings, but they are very clearly prophetic, and that is the only place a day for a thousand years is used. So decide for yourselves, whom you will believe, but as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.

Chelleberry: You are completely correct Sharon. To discredit any part of the scriptures is to discredit God. I am so shocked to see so called Christians happy to dismiss scriptures. They don't realise how detrimental it is.

Raptor: You’re quite right Sharon, what is at stake is the entire veracity of scripture from page one onwards, yet some on here who claim to be Christians and therefore should have a great interest in its truthfulness, not only feel that this is a trifling matter which we shouldn’t be discussing, but vigorously defend what is basically a pagan atheistic philosophy dressed up in scientific garb, which the Bible does not in any way support, and furthermore neither does true science.

Sharon Price: Also look up on YouTube, “Dam Bursting” to see the evolutionary theories on the Grand Canyon taking millions of years to form, being destroyed. “New Island Birth” to demonstrate how the land forms don’t take millions of years to form. Mt St Helens eruption to discredit the radio carbon dating. They’ve also tested a newly dead seal, and various body parts registered various ridiculous ages. There are literally thousands of real life examples, secular scientists don’t bother to make public, as the only alternative is the absolute truth of the bible. Also, a great reference for any questions is CREATION.COM.

Brian M: Michael Roberts thinks Genesis 1 is poetry. The Bible is its own best interpreter. The Ten Commandments is certainly not poetry. The fourth commandment explained in Exodus 20:8-11 only makes sense if the days of the week including the Sabbath and the days of Genesis1 mean the same thing. So Genesis 1 is also not poetry.



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