You read the Bible. Nobody whose read the Bible could hate God as much as you do. The Bible is filled with God's love.
(If you count genocide, infanticide, racism, pro slavery, homicide, and sexism as love then yes, it is filled with Yahwehs love.)
You are interested in discussing. You dismiss Jesus without even considering Him.
(Most likely, the person you are talking to has read the Bible with an educated mind and discard your Jawheh because of the "teachings" he produces, and the idea of someone dying on a cross, then being resurrected three days later and then flying into sky as a zombie seems quite absurd.)
You are moral. You cannot be moral because you don't follow the ten Commandments.
(As if the Bible is the source of all morality, let's take a look shall we. Lot is willing to sacrifice his two daughters virginity for guests he has never met until that very day.)
The Universe can exist without a creator. That is an obvious lie.
(Just because something is too complicated for you, doesn't mean it came from a higher power.)
Evolution happened. Nobody with any sense believes that any more.
(There is evidence for evolution, something that cannot be said the same for creationism. No one that can think for themselves really believes that)
It's all so transparent. You think you are pulling the woll over the Lamb's eves but He can see!"
(Oh the irony. The evidence is in front of your eyes, yet you are too close minded to accept it, and instead mark it off as "false" and "lies spawned from Satan".)