Bull garbage, (Trump) won't commit "war crimes" because there is no such thing. War is bad, BUT the purpose of War is to win and there is no fair way of doing that. Like they say, War is HELL, but living under oppression is worse.
See, there's this little thing we civilized nations have called the "geneva convention". It's a set of codified rules for war, how to treat PoWs and non combatants, that sort of thing. Then again, I can see why a Trumptard might not have heard of such a thing.
"Bull garbage"? That doesn't make sense on any level; bulls don't produce garbage. Even their shit is useful. Infinitely more so than yours, which really is garbage. Frankly I'm surprised that you're so averse to saying "shit" when you already have it spewing from your mouth in such great torrents anyway.
Breaking the Geneva Conventions is to commit war crimes (no scare-quotes needed). Almost all countries have ratified them, i.e. agreed to follow them.
You very seldom win a war; most wars have ended with negotiations for cease-fire. All sides usually lose from wars, both financially, structurally, and in human lives. There are, however, businessmen in the US and elsewhere who are getting rich from wars in other countries, so they regularly "douse gasoline on the fires" of war.
Oppression from outside or oppression from inside - helluva choice there, Victoria. I vote for the ever-popular option 3, Anybody-but-trump-except-Cruz-or-Kasich. In other words, anybody that won't make America into an outlaw state in the eyes of the rest of the world.
1) War crimes exist, Victoria Larsen. You will recognize them immediately for what they are if you find yourself victimized.
2) If war crimes do not exist, then DAESH has done no wrong: Terror is the most potent weapon they have, and so they use it.
'To these people in Oklahoma who have lost a loved one, I'm sorry but it happens every day. You're not the first mother to lose a kid, or the first grandparent to lose a grandson or a granddaughter. It happens every day, somewhere in the world.'
'I am sorry these people had to lose their lives, but that's the nature of the beast. It's understood going in what the human toll will be. '
-Timothy McVeigh
I'm sure the families of those 168 - including 19 babies & children - McVeigh murdered will understand, Vicky Arse.
If outlawing forms of thought and living under the constant threat of the man in charge deciding you have a loose enough affiliation to somebody he thinks of as an enemy by blood, faith, ethnicity, or political opinion to justify imprisoning you without due process or rights and then torturing you isn't oppressive I really don't know what is.
Trying to delude yourself into thinking it will only happen to people who mean you actual harm and that there's no way it will escalate does not make it any less tyranical and honestly keeping yourself as in line with espoused "American" ideals as possible will not protect you in the slightest.
Dictators are petty, culture is maleable, and you only ever realize how wrong it's all gone when it comes crashing down around your ears.
Remember... first they came for the communists .
Some Guy Passing Through
See, there's this little thing we civilized nations have called the "geneva convention. It's a set of codified rules for war, how to treat PoWs and non combatants, that sort of thing. Then again, I can see why a Trumptard might not have heard of such a thing".
Both Bush Jnr and Obama have argued that Common Article Three of the Geneva Conventions (the one that bars 'torture, cruel, inhumane, and degrading treatment') doesn't apply to 'unlawful combatants' and so the USA is allowed to torture people as along as they're not on US soil. I hate Trump with a vengeance but to be fair he's not saying anything new here.
To be fair, this isn't entirely fundie, as you're only likely to be pulled up for war crimes if you lose (viz. as Solomongrundy says above, Bush and Obama and the whole "enemy combatants" thing and arguably drone strikes on civilians.)
If you win, or you are big enough and powerful enough, you can get away with anything. The fire-bombing of Dresden in WWII was arguably a war crime. US soldiers and officers committed war crimes in Vietnam also. But the folks responsible will never see a war crimes tribunal because nobody's powerful enough to enforce the writ of the Geneva Convention here.
Secondly, the sorts of folks who the West is likely to go to war with aren't likely to respect the Geneva Convention anyhow, therefore there's little risk of them doing the same to Western personnel if the West maltreats prisoners from ISIS etc.
TL;DR - Fundie in saying that war crimes are not a thing, but not fundie in saying that, depressingly, if you win the war in question or are large enough that nobody can enforce the Geneva Convention against you, you'll get away with it every time; Trump might commit war crimes but will never see the inside of a courtroom.
To be fair, this isn't entirely fundie, as you're only likely to be pulled up for war crimes if you lose (viz. as Solomongrundy says above, Bush and Obama and the whole "enemy combatants" thing and arguably drone strikes on civilians.)
If you win, or you are big enough and powerful enough, you can get away with anything. The fire-bombing of Dresden in WWII was arguably a war crime. US soldiers and officers committed war crimes in Vietnam also. But the folks responsible will never see a war crimes tribunal because nobody's powerful enough to enforce the writ of the Geneva Convention here.
Secondly, the sorts of folks who the West is likely to go to war with aren't likely to respect the Geneva Convention anyhow, therefore there's little risk of them doing the same to Western personnel if the West maltreats prisoners from ISIS etc.
TL;DR - Fundie in saying that war crimes are not a thing, but not fundie in saying that, depressingly, if you win the war in question or are large enough that nobody can enforce the Geneva Convention against you, you'll get away with it every time; Trump might commit war crimes but will never see the inside of a courtroom.
Too stupid to realize that "living under oppression" is pretty much the GOPs and Trumps plan for y'all.
It's all they can agree to when meeting in the Citadel of Evil, the people have gotten way outta hand with these notions of freedom and a living wage.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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