Stubborn women will use their own money to purchase clothes to get a man regardless if he or God is pleased with their choice of garments.
And how is someone supposed to know whether or not your "god" is pleased with their choice of clothes? It's not as if your "god" does a lot of speaking to people who aren't mentally disturbed to begin with. You also make the false assumption that everyone out there cares what you or your "god" thinks in the first place.
DUET 22:5 Women shall not wear that which pertains (has reference to or looks like mans), (lesbian pants suits, etc.), for all that do so are abomination (disgusting, hated and loathed) unto the lord “your” God.
Have you ever worn any clothing of a wool/cotton, cotton/polyester, or cotton/elastic blend? Ever eaten shellfish, pork, or anything else not kosher? If the answer to any of the above questions is yes, and unless you've never worn a pair of socks it most certainly is, then guess what? You have commited an abomination unto your "god". Now why don't you go read the part of your bible pertaining to the speck in your neighbor's eye, while ignoring the plank in your own.
Oh yeah, not all women who wear pants or pantsuits are lesbians, and not all lesbian wear pants.
1 PET 3:1 Likewise, you wives be in subjection to your own husbands (obey his orders without question); Most women choose to be damned before they will obey a simple command from God or man.
Are you that fucking insecure? Or are you scared of, or intimidated by women? If you want something that will obey your every command then get a fucking dog.
To God women wearing pants have the look of a whore and if they continuing therein will burn in hellfire
And what are the chapter and verse for that? Or are you just presuming to speak on behalf of your "god"? Well, which is it? Are you a liar, or are you so arrogant that you think you alone speak for your "god"?
Some wear pants so tight their vagina separates and slices their buttocks in half for men to be tempted and turn from God laws of holiness.
It has to be because they hate "god", right? It can't possibly be something as simply as trying to attract a mate, or just because they like to look good, can it? No, it has to be "Dem' evil wimminz wantin' to crupt godz faverit men. Why can't they jus' do what I'z tellem to."
Oh, I'm sorry, did that hit a little to close to home, you misogynistic insecure little fuck?
When women young or old are raped because of skimpy and revealing clothes, floss beach suits, etc. they ask for it.
Then the must not "ask for it" very often, since most rapes have little or nothing in common with your scenarios. Bottom line, either your scared of women, or you hate them for some reason I won't even try to guess. Get some theapy and deal with whatever repressed rage or feelings of inadequacy you have and quit blaming it on all women who won't heed your every command, because I can guarentee you that condoning rape isn't going to do you any favors. Or you could just do the world a favor and die in a fire.