Most of you are so naive about how this country was designed. All your freedoms come from Christianity. The whole concept of our Declaration and Constitution are based on Biblical teachings, right down to the republic (not democracy), free markets, freedom of speech, and unalienable rights.
You don’t understand your rights, and you believe you have the right to do whatever you want as long as it feels good at the moment. In the old days, that type of thinking would have gotten you a boat ticket back to the British Empire. Freedom does not mean free to be a total immoral demented hedonistic idiot.
Freedom does however mean not having to listen to misguided nutters like you.
So, lalala, I'm not listening.
Gee, none of this is mentioned in the Declaration, or the Constitution, or the Bill of Rights. Oversight, I guess.
What is it with fundies and imagining that Yahweh, of all individuals, would be responsible for something remotely close to democracy? Go through the 10 commandments, most of them contradict democratic principles (such as freedom of religion). It keeps surprising me how the most fundamentalist believers are often also the most ignorant.
This is just silly.
If I remember right, there is absolutely no mention of republics, free markets, freedom of speech, or unalienable rights in the bible. In the OT or NT.
Even the "heaven" cited by this book is a monarchy ruled by a immortal tyrant.
Wonderful. Then you will have no problem finding the free market, freedom of speech and "unalienable" rights within the Bible.
Also, Ben Franklin never got a "boat ticket back to the British Empire" even though by Christian standards he was "immoral" and possibly even "hedonistic." He slept around with women, was a deist (albeit he believed in a more personal deity than the one most deists do) and was friends with the notorious "immoral demented hedonistic idiots" Sir Francis Dashwood and John Wilkes, both of whom were founders of a mock religious organization that involved pagan worship, celebrations of sex and wine and a strong anti-Christian stance. Both men, I will add, were strong proponents of American liberty, and Franklin even involved the French in our own Revolutionary War - and the French would go on a couple decades later to overthrow the church and the king both.
So, in other words: you fail.
What rights do we have according to the Bible?
Right to life: No.
Right to happiness: Only through delusion
Free speech: The concept of blasphemy blows this out of the water.
God's government is a theocracy, not a Republic. I think it's you who doesn't know anything about our government.
The first five commandments of the tenth commandments are in deep contradiction with the human rights, which come from the French Revolution, like 1800 years after Jesus's death, more or less. More research, baby.
So, the British Empire sends to the colonies guys who are "inmoral" to their standards and, in those colonies, those "inmorals" come back because of that. I will make a film called "The inmoral boomerangs"
"Declaration and Constitution are based on Biblical teachings, right down to the republic (not democracy), free markets, freedom of speech, and unalienable rights. "
Does that include freedom of religion? For example the freedom to practice islam?
The bible says that we should obey all earthly leaders because they have been placed there by God. Wouldn't that go against the American right to rebel against governments after a long series of injustices, something, something?
(Not an American)
Funny, what with all our freedoms coming from Christianity, that all of them can be found in non-Christian countries, most existed long before Christianity arrived, and many are even found in other animal species, especially other primates.
You know, it looks for all the world like all our freedoms arose from the natural social dynamics of living in sizeable groups, extended and expanded by our ability to reason and negotiate with one another. And then later they were incorporated into a minority superstitious belief and claimed as some sort of 'divine teaching'.
Why would God make it look like Christianity stole all its best ideas from somewhere else, I wonder?
"Most of you are so naive about how this country was designed."
Oh really?
The United States was founded on "the light of reason."
And it's just about gone out.
Revisionist historian flag.
Funny how our Constitution's only mention of religion is in the negative(not allowing religion as a reason for hiring of federal workers) and the Bill of Rights exclusion of religion as a basis of government.PS The United States wasn't founded on the idea of people being good, it was founded on the idea of people being any damn thing that they wanted to be, as long as it didn't hurt others!
"Freedom does not mean free to be a total immoral demented hedonistic idiot."
Uh, actually, yes it does. Just like it means that you are free to be a wacko fundy wingnut.
The whole concept of our Declaration and Constitution are based on Biblical teachings, right down to the republic (not democracy), free markets, freedom of speech, and unalienable rights.
All of the governments in the Bible were monarchies, not republics or democracies. Monarchy was the very thing the US Founding Fathers completely rejected. Free markets? What about Jesus kicking the money-lenders out of the Temple? What about the prohibition against charging interest? What about Jesus' call to give everything to the poor? Where does the Bible defend freedom of speech?
Half of the first five books of the Bible are given over to petty, micro-management rules like forbidding you to mix wool with linen and not boiling a kid in its mother's milk, as well as rules about what you can eat, who you can have sex with, who you can or can't see naked, how to treat women during their periods and how to "cleanse" lepers before allowing them in the temple. And If the US was founded on the Bible, how come the Constitution contains a specific prohibitions against religious tests for public office and government endorsement of religion?
Freedom absolutely does mean free to be a total immoral demented hedonistic idiot, as long as you're not bothering anyone else with it.
Uhh no. You should actually stay in your civics class and read said documents instead of parroting the incorrect rhetoric of your religious leaders.
Just because you say something over and over doesn't make it true.
This is what happens when your tribal elders deny you even the most basic knowledge of anything that happened between the first century and the beginning of your miserable existence.
I'm gratified to note that even the Enneads were published before the bible. Platonism and neo-platonism contributed a great deal to the modern concepts of citizenship and governance, not to mention morality and spirituality....
Social Contract, bitch!
I believe this person's reasoning goes like this:
1) America is good.
2) Democracy is good.
3) Everything good comes from God.
5) God wrote everything in the Bible.
6) Therefore American democracy is found in the Bible.
Of course, I could be wrong. He might not be able to count up to 6.
Hey, Heyoka,
Whatever happened to 4?
"The whole concept of our Declaration and Constitution are based on Biblical teachings...."
Try actually reading those things. I know it sounds crazy, but it just might work. Just for starters, the Bible does talk about unalienable rights (under different terms), but only to say that you don't have any.
"All your freedoms come from Christianity."
-->Wrong. Some founder might have been xtian, some deists, some .. other.
"The whole concept of our Declaration and Constitution are based on Biblical teachings, right down to the republic (not democracy), free markets, freedom of speech, and unalienable rights."
-->Waaaay wrong. If you're trying to get outta the clutches of one king, are you about to put a spiritual king in his stead? Not likely. This country is the only country in history founded on the rights of the individual, not the collective or the god-king.
Also, Jefferson studied the old Anglo Saxon laws, which were an amagamation of older roman law that the germanics inherited after the fall of rome. Jefferson studied the concepts of the Althing, a democratic governing body used all over scandianvia in pre-xtian times.
"You don’t understand your rights, and you believe you have the right to do whatever you want as long as it feels good at the moment."
-->Let's not confuse "Liberty" with "Hedonism" here. You dont need the fear of a god to be a moral and ethical being. Liberty is "do what you want, but be ready to pay the consequences if you fook up another's right to liberty."
"Nonsense! It is perfectly legal to be a total immoral demented hedonistic idiot ... as long as it's only with consenting adult immoral demented hedonistic idiots."
J.E.S....I like the cut of your think!
This is bolocks!
Mean can you explain to native americans why their freedoms have been taken away, why they have to live in shitty reservations, be forced to give christian names to their kids, get less money then any other minority?
People like you give good americans a bad name with your preaching, maybe the night you were concieved your dad should have just jerked off instead of fucking your mom
"The whole concept of our Declaration and Constitution are based on Biblical teachings, right down to the republic (not democracy), free markets, freedom of speech, and unalienable rights."
Look up democracy in Ancient Greece, and get back to me.
"All your freedoms come from Christianity."
That's why Christianity has been used to suppress the majority of them, right?
The social structures that I saw described in Acts seemed closest to communism to me. It spells out how members would turn over all their property to the church leaders to be shared according to need. This is anathema to typical Americans, especially conservatives, Christian or otherwise.
>>Freedom does not mean free to be a total immoral demented hedonistic idiot.<<
Actually it does, but it also means that you have to accept that others may not appreciate you being one. Just like I do not appreciate Sassedenough's ignorance or malice (whichever combination of the two explains that quote).
So, freedom for women to vote, to be priests and politicians, to own property, etc; those all come from Christianity?
Don't think so! Christianity has protested every little step towards any civil right.
It has been dragged, kicking and screaming, into the 17th century, the 18th, the 19th, the 20th and the 21st century.
In the concept of civil rights is included respect for the rights of others.
"I hate everything about what you say, but I'm prepared to fight for your right to say it."
Something like that.
Yeah, totally. Like how the Republic existed in Pagan Rome 500 years before Jesus was born... totally a Christian idea. Or how the idea of inalienable rights was developed by John Locke in the 18th century, around the same time he was writing The Gospel According to John Locke, which is a cornerstone book of the New Testament and has been for 1000 years. I also like the part in the Bible that guarantees you the right to a speedy trial by a jury of your peers, and protects you from excessive, cruel, or unusual punishment, like being tortured for all eternity for exercising the freedom of religion that the Bible gives you.
First of all it is inalienable rights, not unalienable rights.
Secondly, it is funny how this country is based on god and christianity and yet neither is mentioned in the Constitution. Not once.
"Most of you are so naive about how this country was designed. "
We're certainly not in your league, dipshit.
“Most of you are so naive about how this country was designed. All your freedoms come from Christianity.”
Exactly where does the Bible direct freedom of religion?
“ The whole concept of our Declaration and Constitution are based on Biblical teachings, right down to the republic (not democracy), free markets, freedom of speech, and unalienable rights.”
I think you’re full of shit, here.
Freedom of religion. When did Jehovah say he was willing to share?
The Constitution says i can be an atheist, where does the Bible say that?
“You don’t understand your rights, and you believe you have the right to do whatever you want as long as it feels good at the moment.”
Not quite, but you don’t understand rights AT ALL.
"In the old days, that type of thinking would have gotten you a boat ticket back to the British Empire.”
In the Old Days this WAS the British Empire. And this is where they sent their ne’er-do-wells.
"Freedom does not mean free to be a total immoral demented hedonistic idiot.”
Why not?
Freedom of Speech allows me to say any immoral demented hedonistic thing that comes into my head. What limits me and my wife from junking it all and just blissng out on drugs?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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