joejoeson #fundie
I used to think homosexuality was a choice, until I debated with gays (over the internet) and found a study that suggested hornons could manipukate lab rats into becoming gay. I was amazed that the gays seemed to accept this, althoigh they rejected my theory that this was being done intentionally.
Hormonal imbalance caused by GMO's, vaccines (something the gays vehemently denied), and pesticides, and prescription drugs *could* be causing hormonal balance to children in the womb, leading them to be 'born gay'.
The reason why gay men are effeminate is because of too much estrogen. Even the 'buff' gay guys are very into their looks, like a woman.
The reason why lesbians are butch and even cut their hair like a man is because of too much testosterone.
Transgenders TAKE hormone therapy so of course this will interfere with their chemical balanve and they won't just think they are the opposite gender, they will be! (cue twilight zone music). And Jews accept this as perfectly normal.