[A commenter mentioned their son fighting in Afghanistan]
Spare us the BS, Single.
That boy is over there fighting for the right of Afghan women to wear bikinis and divorce their husbands — not our freedom.
Oddly, you ejaculated all over yourself when bush sent the troops there. You are dishonoring the fallen and wounded with your horseshit.
This combat vet says: Fuck you.
To be fair, they're sort of right, but I consider secular government, freedom of religion, and freedom of conscience valuable and worth fighting for.
Dammit! If I was over there fighting for girls in bikinis, why did I not see any of them? Next time I get sent to a war zone, I want it to be in Sweden, with the Swedish bikini team in the trenches next to me.
True, our soldiers in Afghanistan aren't really fighting for our freedom, but what's wrong with allowing women around the world to wear bikinis or divorce their husbands?
Oh right, the American Taliban is against such things.
No he's not, he's fighting so fucks like you can drive about in SUVs and not give a fuck about the world around them. I don't envy the poor guy in his job, but technically he is just a government sponsored armed robber.
Vox Day finally shuts up... and W.F. Price waltzes in to take his place. I guess someone's got to provide the daily reason for someone to ask why there's no Sexists Say The Darndest Things.
As for the quote itself, it's stupid. It's very stupid. There are soldiers in Afghanistan because America wants revenge for 9/11, not so that Afghani women can wear bikinis. Although if they want to, then they should have the right to do so.
Besides, I thought that all you knuckle-dragging, chest-thumping, testosterone-driven idiots were happy that Bush sent troops over there to fulfill your love of war and destruction.
By the way, you don't insult someone's child that is fighting in a war overseas. That is a line that people generally are not supposed to cross. W.F. Price, you are a scumbag.
"The internet warrior strikes again. No casualties."
Whatever he attacked with, it ended up going straight into the water. Sheesh, Price, go back to the range and practice more - your aim is way off.
"The internet warrior strikes again. No casualties."
Whatever he attacked with, it ended up going straight into the water. Sheesh, Price, go back to the range and practice more - your aim is way off.
There's a price for everything. This one, though, is over-priced.
It seems to have missed his attention that a girl was shopt in the head for the criminal offence of going to school! This is the kind of society that Price would want.
So the rights of other people aren't worth fighting for, WF? If we said the first word about silencing you you'd be up in arms about it (rightfully, too). But those foreigners, oh, they don't count. Their rights don't matter.
Ugh. What a tool.
Also, what ever happened to "support our troops"?
We have an Adventist college near here. Want to know what we call the girls dorm? "The Ovary'. The *$#! like bunny rabbits, go out for a veggie burger, and come back for more. Those good little christian girls seem to have freedom figured out. Do they write home to you about it?
I view American foreign policy and military doctrine as hubris and insanity made manifest as wasted lives and hellish pyrotechnics either sold to young men and women in a package of jingoistic bullshit or have found themselves backed up against a financial wall and gambling their lives is their ironic lifeline. I believe that wholeheartedly but I will not stand for such disrespect for the dead and those who worry every day if their child will be the next to join them.
Out of desperation, tainted patriotism, genuine idealism, or a pure sense of duty their lives are on the line every day while you stew in your stupidity and callous disregard for any existence outside your narrow personal concerns and the malleable view you have of reality.
And the anti-war left are the ones accused of being unpatriotic or not "supporting the troops"...
Both misogynistic and just plain uncaring douche. Price, you suck.
It's the United States government that's the armed robber. The poor sap fighting overseas is just their desperate, expendable agent. :(
War is a crime.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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