Religion is not a belief and it is not based on belief. Religion is an experience of the divine in oneself, the universe and in God.
Atheism, on the other hand, is a belief system, and every one of its beliefs is either based on logical fallacies or is unproven because there is no objective reality to support it. Athesit 'beliefs' are merely the collection of their preferences, biases, idle wishes and fears.
In saying that religion is a belief you are stating something that you have not proven. This the logical fallacy known as circulus in demonstrando.
In addition, considering how many times atheist make this erroneous claim they are also guilty to committing another logical fallacy, argumentum ad nauseam.
Plus any atheist who attempts to use this fallacious statement because other atheist morons have also used it, is also guilty of a third logical fallacy, argumentum ad numerum.
So, line up you atheists and fess up to how many of these logical fallacies you are guilty of whenever you say that religion is a belief.
Religion is not a belief and it is not based on belief. Religion is an experience of the divine in oneself, the universe and in God."
So, religion is indistinguishable from a hallucinatory experience? How reliable.
@ Reynardine: I read, "Sterno" the first time, and saw nothing wrong with that. I'll have to look it up.
Edit: Dung. Got it. Might I add, ad capite en calcem.
I read the first three quotes on the site today, which are all yours, omprem, and can only come to one conclusion: not only are you a smug little fuckwit, you're an insufferable and overbearing thundercunt.
You making up your own little set of circumstances that determine how wrong a person would be in saying that religion is a belief, doesn't make them factually so.
Definitio tua, ompreme, ex culo est, ergo argumentum tuum foeci similit. There, I can use (not really correct) Latin as well!
Atheism is a belief system based upon evidence of the physical world and the lack of evidence of the divine. Religion is a belief system based upon wishful thinking.
You are utterly unqualified to judge the logic of others.
This the logical fallacy known as circulus in demonstrando.
Oh look, he's trying to sound like a smart person.
Religion is not a belief and it is not based on belief.
Atheism, on the other hand, is a belief system
Opposite Day?
In saying that religion is a belief you are stating something that you have not proven.
Ok, wait a minute, gotta change something here. ... Ok, done:
In saying that religion is an experience of the divine in oneself, you are stating something that you have not proven.
That's called argumentum ad caecitam, even if I just made that up.
a set of beliefs concerning the cause, nature, and purpose of the universe, especially when considered as the creation of a superhuman agency or agencies, usually involving devotional and ritual observances, and often containing a moral code governing the conduct of human affairs.
a specific fundamental set of beliefs and practices generally agreed upon by a number of persons or sects: the Christian religion; the Buddhist religion.
the body of persons adhering to a particular set of beliefs and practices: a world council of religions.
the life or state of a monk, nun, etc.: to enter religion.
the practice of religious beliefs ; ritual observance of faith.
Atheism only have one "belief", that there is no evidence for the existence of any gods. It's a VERY poor system, really. Where is the logical fallacy in that, dearie?
You're the only one making anyone nauseated right now, omprem.
We're basically saying that we don't care what you call religion, as long as you keep it to yourself and don't try to force it onto others.
And the final door is closed. The key is turned. And the door is locked forever. The prisoner finds himself in a circular chamber with no air or light.
Free at last from the frightening thoughts of atheists and the unnerving menace of reality, he is, the thought rolls comfortingly round his mind, a perfect zombie for Bible God. Gladly he paces around and around, for it is all he can do, with no disturbing reasoning to unbalance his existence.
With his only intellectual pursuit being the redefining of dictionary terms. His only happiness the oblivion of the circularity of thought. He is, he conjectures, in heaven.
Religion is an experience of the divine in oneself, the universe and in God.
Nonsense. Religion is based on three beliefs: the belief in a divine power; the belief that the actions of the divine power can be influenced by human behavior; and the belief that one has the special knowledge needed to exert the influence. Someone holding these beliefs may well feel some sort of connection with the divine, but that feeling is a consequence of the three beliefs (or in some cases, drugs).
Using Latin phrases makes me look smart, part 37874546.
Also, Islam and Christianity are both religions yet they contradict each other. Get out of that one, Omprem.
Religion is an experience of the divine in oneself, the universe and in God
Can you prove that the divine exists?
None of them, because I'm quoting other religious people who say it is a belief (family members, in particular). You may disagree with them, but if you tried to claim that they were not really religious...
I could come up with a fancy Latin term, but since I care more about being understood than sounding "smart" (read: pompous) I'll just call it the No True Scotsman Fallacy.
1) As everyone else has pointed out, "Quidquid latine dictum sit, altum videtur.".
2) A religion is a belief system that contains divine elements (not gods), and serves a social purpose.
3) Atheism is not believing in personified divine beings. It is not "science" or whatever. There are three important types of atheism here.
A) Null Atheism. Supported by science for making the fewest unnecessary assumptions about the world.
B) Angry Shouty Atheism. The kind that makes a living by picking fights with other peoples' gods. Clearly bad for the social order.
C) Crazy Cosmology Atheism. Any religion that lacks gods, like Buddism, or The Cosmic Kitchen theory.
Hail Eris.
"The darned atheists always making us believers look bad with their fancy shmancy words. I know, I'll take their argument, replace "religion" with "atheism", and then throw it right back at them. They won't know what to say, oooooh, I would look so clever everyone would think I'm the bestest Christian EVER. Heck they might make me the pope, OF THE WORLD! I wouldn't even have to do my homework or go to bed early. It would be so cool."
Not to piss on your parade, but...
Yeah, and that's why the word "believe" doesn't appear in here anywhere, right?'_Creed#English_translations
1. I believe in God the Father almighty, creator of heaven and earth.
2. I believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.
3. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary.
4. Under Pontius Pilate, He was crucified, died, and was buried.
5. He descended to the dead. On the third day he rose again.
6. He ascended into heaven and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
7. He will come again to judge the living and the dead.
8. I believe in the Holy Spirit,
9. the holy catholic Church, the communion of saints,
10. the forgiveness of sins,
11. the resurrection of the body,
12. and the life everlasting.
"Religion is not a belief and it is not based on belief. Religion is an experience of the divine in oneself, the universe and in God."
Except no-one has ever presented evidence that these experiences are, actually, of the divine, they simply state so (bald assertion). So you merely believe your experiences originate with the divine.
And saying that they do is stating something you have not proven.
Poor little omprem, your half-arsed sophistry no doubt impresses you, but is based on the same "fallacies" you so loudly deride. Were you to stand on a street corner with a loudhailer yelling that people who make too much noise are inconsiderate morons, you could not be more ridiculous or less self-aware.
I'm sorry, but every source I can find states religion is a belief, and atheism is a lack of belief.
The rest of your absolute BS posting?
circulus in demonstrando = circular argument
argumentum ad nauseam = repeating the argument over and over until the other party is sick of it
argumentum ad numerum = Argument by numbers (more people support my argument, therefore I win)
Can omprem actually point to any debate where these so called, unrecognized logical fallacies were used by atheists? Or is this just one of the those, "I say it is what it is"?
"In saying that religion is a belief you are stating something that you have not proven. This the logical fallacy known as circulus in demonstrando."
oh, you're a fucking moron. there's no fallacy in not proving the premise. see how you've taken it as a given that religion isn't belief, and that belief isn't a component of religion? prove it.
and what happens when you prove it? well, to do so, you'll need to take some new, more basic premises.
so prove those too.
what happens when you've proven *all* you're premises?
circular argument, or infinite regress.
i hate it when stupid people try to talk like they're smart.
"Atheism, on the other hand, is a belief system, and every one of its beliefs is either based on logical fallacies or is unproven because there is no objective reality to support it. Athesit 'beliefs' are merely the collection of their preferences, biases, idle wishes and fears."
Holy crap! My irony meter just imploded!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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