Perhaps Muslims aren’t barbarians after all when it comes to thier “backwards” rape laws. Could it be the wisdom of the centuries has structured a society based on the realistic nature of woman?
The scary thing is that, since men like him treat women as slaves, they have more children, thus this differential reproductive rate between misogynists and everyone else will inexorably bring them back in the majority one day.
The fundies are uniting!
We're doomed.
Wish I had my old Spider-Man demotivational poster right about now.
Fire, it wants to be your friend so why not give it a hug?
Oh, Spearhead. Just like Love-shy, but...
No, wait. There is no "but."
These crotchweasels are repulsive pockmarks on the face of humanity.
To think that people say so-called "Men's Rights Activists" just "want their children back."
There is a legitimate legal bias toward mothers in child custody disputes, but these "Men's Rights Activists" aren't doing anything to fix it. They just mindlessly hate and bash all women instead of seeking to reform the unjust system. I doubt they even care about the problem. They just want an excuse to wallow in their hatred and ignorance.
(Oh, and I could get on my feminist soapbox and explain in painfully verbose detail how this unfair child-custody situation is actually a result of patriarchal society dictating caretaking duties to the mother and breadwinning to the father. In other words, it is not the result of misandry but the institution that perpetuates its opposite . But I'll refrain.)
Another damn demented rape/sexism apologist.
What's the matter Justinian?
Are you pissed because you cant rape/dominate women to get some poontang and personal sick satisfaction in this country without being locked in a slammer for the rest of your pathetic life so bad that now you're thinking about joining another religious ass backwards misogynistic group in a foreign country to get your jollies?
People like you make me sick especially female versions of you who think it's ok to let a man do that to a woman and run their whole life and beat them and use them as doormats!
I'd knock you on your sorry ass if you said that to my face. Women are not baby machines or sex toys we are human beings with every right as men.
Welcome to the 21st century douche!
It's about time you catch up or check out!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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