"Except for everything he's ever said about Mexicans."
He was referring to a very specific segment of Mexicans, the illegal immigrants and it was something along the lines of
"we're not getting the best people from Mexico, we're getting a lot of criminals" to paraphrase, MEANING, Mexicans aren't inferior, the US is simply not getting the best of them, which wouldn't be problem. Doctors, investors, intellectuals in general would be welcome. Drug traffickers and people who didn't even finish high school - not so much - and there's no way to vet them if they're coming illegally.
Nice try, but it's not a racist statement if you don't attack the race itself. Why do you want people to break the law and come illegally? They should go through the legal process.
"Christianity also has supremacist political doctrines"
Such as? These is nothing explicit in Christian theology about how government should function. There isn't a clear mandate for secularism or theocracy although a good case can be made for secularism and it has, but even when Christianity is entangled with the state, it's usually on a minor level. Islam however is very detailed, very specific on it in all its Sunni and Shi'ite forms.
I also don't get your obsession with it. If Christianity is that bad (and I'm not sure you honestly believe that or are just the typical "fuck America, fuck the west, fuck Christianity" type of SJW who will attack everything western or perceived to be western and defend everything non-western) then oppose it, there's absolutely nothing rational about being soft on a totalitarian ideology because another totalitarian ideology exists. By that line of reasoning it would be impossible to oppose communism because of fascism and vice versa. Complete madness.
"that are at odds with American values, but every time I've pointed this out, you've claimed, with no evidence, that far more Muslims believe theirs. If you're going to pull that excuse out again, please provide a citation."
Have you check the Pew polls? Or for that matter Islam's doctrine on how to interact with non-believers, apostates and women?
"And while other countries may not have a specific constitutional right to object (well, unless Trump's policy actually violates an existing treaty), you can be pretty sure that they'd react/retaliate. Enjoy your trade embargoes..."
They're not really in a position to impose anything considering most Muslim countries would not accept mass Christian or mass western immigration into their countries either. And even if they did, they would not allow them to practice their culture.
That's actually a good reason not to have any immigration from these countries. Tolerance doesn't work if not reciprocated. When Saudi Arabia allows mass Christian mass atheist immigration and respects their rights fully once they arrive, then we can talk. Until then, not one Saudi citizen should receive American or EU citizenship, especially when 75% of 9/11 attackers came from that country which constantly promotes Islamic subversion worldwide through mosques they build.
For that matter a lot of those countries refuse to take other Muslims in. There is no significant number of refugees in Saudi Arabia for example, despite close proximity to Syria. That should tell you all you need to know.
"Also, considering that you have a current population of 322 million and change, ten or twenty thousand refugees wouldn't even amount to one drop in a barrel..."
It will for the Americans that will be hurt because of IS operatives blending in the refugee crowd and the fact that the refugees are bringing in an ideology incompatible with western culture.
But I guess you don't care about them, for some strange reason you don't think the American government should look after the interests of American citizens first despite them paying the taxes and electing these people to do what's best for America, just like you probably don't think Germany, France etc. should either despite the massive risks these mass migrations pose.
Also you're really naive if you think the government can vet so many in so little time. Remember, they couldn't even prevent 9/11 despite all the warning signs and despite that some of those people were known troublemakers. Same with Boston - the Russians warned the US, nothing was done.
This is why leftism is such a perverse adversarial ideology. It always attacks the interests of whatever country it finds itself in in favor of an impossible utopia.