because evolution is a lie, it is evil. if it were true teaching it would be a good thing. but i think it is false because i dont fully trust the intelligience of mankind.
And yet our intelligence is true enough to interpret and translate God's Word, AND make up things for Him to have supposedly said?
But you think evolution might be wrong?
Well, if your only experience with human intelligence is your own and that of other CARM posters, I can see how you would doubt it. Try to get out a little more and cultivate so friendships with some non-Christian, intelligent people. You'll find "the intelligence of mankind" isn't so bad.
"i dont fully trust the intelligience of mankind. "
Just because you're stupid doesn't mean the rest of mankind is, too. Evolution is backed by a lot of research by a lot of smart people.
And your reasoning in general is garbage.
Yeah, that's why God had to create us; He didn't trust human 'intelligience'[sic].
... He would have been so disappointed if we just stayed in the sea.
"i dont fully trust the intelligience of mankind."
If I spent lots of time lurking around the CARM site, I might also be distrustful of the intelligence of mankind.
"...i dont fully trust the intelligience of mankind."
Yeah, you and everyone else quoted on this site.
The one point I can agree with is that I, too, don't fully trust the "intelligience" of most people. Unfortunately, most people don't believe in evolution.
"because religion is a lie, it is evil. if it were true teaching it would be a good thing. but i think it is false because i dont fully trust the intelligience of mankind."
There, corrected your statement but left the poor spelling to give it that true "Bible Belt" flavor!
Totally agree regarding human intelligence--insofar as no one of us can know everything and we all make mistakes. That's why we deal in sources, references, citations, repeated experimentation, observation, sound logic, peer review, etc., etc....
But you've got your old book of folktales, so you have no need of what humanity has to offer. Hope that gets the kids fed and the beds made.
i dont fully trust the intelligience of mankind therefore you trust someone who thinks the same way as you: completely ?
2005: Kitzmiller vs. Dover. Judge John E. Jones III: a Conservative Christian ; his education & legal expertise compared to your 'Belie fs'. Don't forget: he is a Conservative Christian . His decision in that precedent-setting case.
Your move.
if it were true teaching it would be a good thing
Since then, Josh Buggar. Roy Less : both don't fully trust the intelligence of 'mankind': i.e. those not exactly like them, but just like you.
Thank you for admitting that Evolution is more than fact. And indeed: is morally superior - as those two prime examples of what Cre(a)ti(o)nist thinking does to one demonstrate - even to your 'God'.
Gabriel, Banks & Rutherford 1:9¾: 'And on the eighth day, one of his faithful, John said that those possessed of great learning and intelligence proved that the universe was as a result of a vast cosmic accident. And that all life came to being via gradual biological processes. And He - via his own 'Word': Romans 13:1-5 - was forced to see that it was good. '
Here endeth the lesson. I hope you've taken notes, as there will be an exam.
George... don't do that! [/Joyce Grenfell]
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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