Do you know why the Islamist students are failing in Afghanistan & Pakistan's Madrassas? Because they all teach nothing else but the Quran!
If you don't believe in Allah (or at least pretend to), you're history! I have heard countless stories of these 'students' getting into Hezbollah/Islamic Jihad/Al-Qaeda, because they didn't use scientific facts as the premise for their answers. They used God (PROTIP: 'God' in Arabic is Allah; Islam, Judaism & Judeo-Christianity all have the same Abrahamic deity).
That is why they are exploding.
Moral: Only last week, I was pointing this out to my friend Richard Dawkins, just before we stood outside Westminster Abbey in London, then we took out our detonator buttons wired up to our waistcoats lined with Semtex*, and both shouted in unison as we pressed such: 'Nothing Akhbar!'.
...afterwards, we repaired to a nearby cafe, then discussed over a very civilised pot of tea, that this demonstrates (graphically, if not surreally) how religious fundamentalism in all it's myriad forms is a very silly thing indeed.
Moral: And that's why IBM's laptop division is now Lenovo. In China. How China's CNSA are almost starting another Space Race, with their Shenzhou missions & ambitions for a manned moon landing. How China's universities are an unlimited pool of pure educated talent, to fill their R&D facilities/companies' divisions, so as to potentally overtake the US scientifically. How China is in the forefront of Gene research, with potential cures/treatments in the near future for what could be considered incurable today. And more besides. Why? Because they teach Evolution. Facts. And nothing else.
In Soviet China, God worships you.
Want to be inferior to them, fundies? You go right ahead. Far be it from me to stop you, as long as you don't take the rest of the secular-based US with you.
*- Or was it Plasticine? One can never tell the difference these days! [/smartarse] X3